- Issue
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets: Volume 129, Issue 12
December 2024
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Research Article
Global Distribution of Martian Upstream Magnetosonic Waves Observed by MAVEN
- First Published: 27 November 2024
Upstream MS waves are predominantly below the dayside magnetic pileup boundary of Mars with a dawn-dusk asymmetry in distribution
Upstream MS waves can more easily propagate to lower altitudes in the dayside regions with weak crustal magnetic field of Mars
Solar wind dynamic pressure can influence the occurrence of upstream MS waves
Adhesion of Silicate Impact Melts on Impact Glasses of Chang'e-5 Regolith
- First Published: 23 December 2024
Microscopic silicate melts on surfaces of lunar impact glasses are formed by adhesion, spreading and solidification of impact melts
Geochemical composition analyses indicate that the surface microscopic silicate melts mainly originated from local materials
Regolith reworking at the Chang'e-5 landing site mainly occurred via interactions of local lunar regolith particles
Magmatic Evolution of the Marius Hills, Rümker Hills, and Gardner Volcanic Complexes on the Moon: Constraints From Topography and Gravity
- First Published: 21 December 2024
Morphology and elemental contents of three volcanic complexes and their small shields are explored using uniform feature extraction methods
Marius Hills exhibits the largest magnitude of magmatic activity and the lowest ratio of intrusive versus extrusive volumes
Diversity among the three volcanic complexes may be influenced by the presence or lack of KREEP basalts
Automated Mineralogy Analysis of the Apollo 17 73002 Continuous Core Thin Sections Using QEMSCAN Mapping Techniques
- First Published: 30 November 2024
Automated mineralogy can be used for the rapid identification of minerals of interest in Apollo 17 core samples
Over 200 clasts of potential meteoric origin were identified; of these, 33 clasts were subject to further elemental analysis
We collected a wealth of textural and mineralogical data from across the full length of the 73002 Apollo 17 continuous core thin sections
Radar Attenuation for Subsurface Sounding on Enceladus: Effects of a Thermally Insulating Porous Ice Layer
- First Published: 23 December 2024
We calculate the two-way radar attenuation on Enceladus considering a porous thermally insulating surface layer
For regions covered by a thick insulating porous surface layer the detection of the ice-ocean interface is unlikely
For the same regions the high subsurface temperatures increase the likelihood that shallow brines are present and can be detected by radar
Ultraviolet NO and Visible O2 Nightglow in the Mars Southern Winter Polar Region: Statistical Study and Model Comparison
- First Published: 02 December 2024
For the first time, NOMAD/UVIS simultaneously monitors both the NO UV and O2 visible nightglow in the Mars southern winter atmosphere
The NO emitting layer is consistently located ∼10 km above the O2 nightglow layer (∼55 and ∼45 km, respectively)
Brightness is overall well predicted but the altitude difference between the two polar emission layers is overestimated by the MPCM v6.1 model
Seasonal and Inter-Annual Variability in the Polar Vortex and Snowfall on Mars
- First Published: 01 December 2024
The shape, size, and stability of the Martian polar vortices are controlled by topography, dust loading, and insolation
More snowfall occurs in the northern winter, with a notable reduction during solstice and following some dust activity
The south-polar vortex has a more consistent size and shape than the north due to the less frequent dust activity during northern summer
Prolonged Fluvial Activity Revealed by Mapping and Analyses of Valley Networks in the Northwestern Hellas Region, Mars
- First Published: 30 November 2024
We identified 911 valley networks in the northwestern Hellas region and conducted detailed geomorphologic and chronologic investigations
Prolonged fluvial activity fed by diverse water sources existed in the study region from the Noachian to the Amazonian
The study region underwent a climate change from a warm and semiarid climate to a cold and arid climate during the Noachian-Hesperian transition
Sorting and Weathering Trends of Soil at Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Regional Pedological Processes
- First Published: 29 November 2024
The concentration of olivine minerals within the medium-sized (∼250–500 microns) soils indicates pervasive heavy mineral sorting
The finest soils are sourced from both air-sampled dust and local rocks, while the coarser soils are largely sourced from local rocks
Soil chemistry suggests pedogenesis at Gale that may include a localized, low pH, low water-to-rock ratio aqueous weathering condition
Environmental Changes Recorded in Sedimentary Rocks in the Clay-Sulfate Transition Region in Gale Crater, Mars: Results From the Sample Analysis at Mars-Evolved Gas Analysis Instrument Onboard the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
- First Published: 28 November 2024
Seven rock samples were drilled in the clay-sulfate transition region and analyzed using the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument
SAM evolved gas data are consistent with a decrease in phyllosilicates and the presence of Mg sulfate in the clay-sulfate transition region
SAM data suggest rocks in the clay-sulfate transition region formed in progressively drier conditions, potentially impacting habitability
High Pressure Melting Curve of Fe-Si: Implication for the Thermal Properties in Mercury's Core
- First Published: 28 November 2024
Determination of the high pressure melting curve of Fe-Si using in situ and ex situ intermetallic fast diffusion technique
Provided constraint on the melting temperature profile of Mercury's core
Provided a constraint on the thermal conductivity and heat flux at Mercury's core-mantle and inner-core (assumed at 21 GPa) boundaries
Tadpole-Shaped Nanoparticles in Impact Melt and Implication of High Temperature Chemical Garden in Lunar Soil
- First Published: 21 December 2024
Tadpole-shaped Fe-Ni-S-Ti nanoparticles have been found in the impact melt glass spherule of an agglutinate in Chang'e-5 lunar soil
The nanoparticles made up of Fe-Ni-S heads and with tails made up of Fe-Ti-O (ilmenite)
The nanoparticles provide a new example of viscous fingering and ilmenite dendrites point to high-T chemical gardens in lunar impact melt
Characterizing the Modulation and Activation-Triggering Mechanisms of Main-Belt Comets via 3D Thermophysical Modeling of an Ellipsoidal Body
- First Published: 14 December 2024
A large obliquity may play an important role in enhancing the detectability of sublimation-driven dust emission in main-belt comets
Detectable activity of main-belt comets primarily manifests near perihelion, irrespective of the seasonal effect and triggering mechanism
Landslide-triggered sublimation exhibits two peaks per orbit, providing an observable pattern differentiating it from the impact mechanism
Using the Melosh Model of Acoustic Fluidization to Simulate Impact Crater Collapse on the Earth and Moon
- First Published: 14 December 2024
We explore the parameters of the Melosh model of acoustic fluidization (full model) and their effect on crater collapse
We find that the final crater size is a product of the trade-off between the quality and regeneration factors and that vibrational wavelength, ,affects the style of crater collapse
Considering the full model of acoustic fluidization produces a variety of subsurface deformation in the complex craters lacking in the hitherto applied models
Magma Ocean Evolution at Arbitrary Redox State
- First Published: 23 December 2024
Atmospheres overlying magma oceans can have diverse volatile compositions depending on mantle redox and volatile endowment
Magma oceans on Earth-like planets may not solidify, retaining substantial melt fractions, and hence volatiles, in their interiors
While initially convective, modeling indicates that these atmospheres may become convectively stable in the later stages of their evolution
Extensive Secondary Cratering From the InSight Sol 1034a Impact Event
- First Published: 18 December 2024
A new 9-m-diameter impact crater on Mars identified with in situ seismic and orbital image data
Over 900 low albedo spots identified as a result of secondary ejecta processes
Small impact events have likely been captured in existing data sets and not yet recognized
Complex Crater Collapse: A Comparison of the Block and Melosh Acoustic Fluidization Models of Transient Target Weakening
- First Published: 14 December 2024
Acoustic fluidization is a mechanism to explain temporary weakening of target rocks during the collapse of large impact structures
The Melosh model of acoustic fluidization that accounts for scattering and regeneration of acoustic energy is implemented in the iSALE code
Regeneration of acoustic energy facilitates localized deformation and sustains vibrations for the duration of crater collapse
Electron-Induced Radiolysis of Water Ice and the Buildup of Oxygen
- First Published: 03 December 2024
Laboratory irradiation experiments are crucial to understand the surfaces of icy bodies in space
First mass spectrometer results from water ice regolith samples irradiated with electrons are shown
The dominant radiolysis products released from the ice samples are and , with a fraction of the being retained in the ice
Diagenesis of the Clay-Sulfate Stratigraphic Transition, Mount Sharp Group, Gale Crater, Mars
- First Published: 06 December 2024
The clay-sulfate transition region of Gale crater is marked by significant changes in diversity and abundance of diagenetic textures
Observed textures and their associated chemistry suggest several diagenetic episodes and concentrations of Mg sulfate in nodules and cement
We propose several groundwater-based mechanisms to remobilize and precipitate Mg sulfate cement in the subsurface
Mapping of Western Valles Marineris Light-Toned Layered Deposits and Newly Classified Rim Deposits
- First Published: 19 December 2024
Light-toned layered deposits (LLD) on the plateaus of Valles Marineris show clear basal reflections when examined using the Shallow Radar (SHARAD)
Basal reflections extend past the LLD bounds, revealing two new visually distinct rim deposits on the plateaus that are contiguous with LLD
We hypothesize these deposits originate from pyroclastic ashfall and were subsequently altered by the variable presence of liquid water