Earth and Space Science is an open access journal publishing original articles spanning all of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. ESS particularly welcomes papers presenting key data sets, observations, methods, instruments, sensors, and algorithms and showing their applications.
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GOES-R PM2.5 Evaluation and Bias Correction: A Deep Learning Approach
-  19 February 2025
Key Points
Aerosol optical depth obtained from GOES-R ABI was used to estimate surface PM2.5 concentrations
The algorithm developed used deep learning to improve the PM2.5 estimations from GOES-GWR algorithm
The deep learning model was validated against independent data set and shows improved performance metrics
PyReX: A Recursion Based Crossover Detection Algorithm in Python for Along‐Track Geophysical Measurements
-  17 February 2025
Key Points
A recursion based algorithm for efficient detection of crossovers
The time complexity has improved to log N
Better performance with high sampling rate measurements
Calibrating Strain Measurements: A Comparative Study of DAS, Strainmeter, and Seismic Data
-  16 February 2025
Key Points
Comparing recordings from DAS, optical fiber strainmeters (OFSs), and a seismometer revealed amplitude calibration and coupling issues
Laboratory tests showed that DAS recordings had reduced amplitudes at lower frequencies
Some underwater strain recordings correlated with the tide were localized by calculating the coherence between DAS and OFS data
Local Time Variations of Quiet Time Meridional Winds During Solar Minimum Solstices Based on ICON Observations and Numerical Simulations
-  13 February 2025
Key Points
ICON-observed F-layer meridional winds show that diurnal and semidiurnal variations dominate at ∼20°N–40°N and 10°S–∼20°N respectively
In June, pressure gradient force dominated the semi-diurnal variation, and Coriolis force had a leading role in the diurnal variation
Semi-diurnal variations of meridional winds at low latitudes in June were more affected by upward propagating tides than those in December
Spatio‐Seasonal Risk Assessment of Upward Lightning at Tall Objects Using Meteorological Reanalysis Data
-  12 February 2025
Key Points
Strong winds near the surface and upward deflection by obstructing terrain increase the risk of upward lightning at tall objects
Lightning at tall wind turbines can account for up to 20% of total lightning activity north of the Alps
High-risk areas are north and east of the Alps in winter and shift southward in the transition seasons and summer
Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Collection 4 Formaldehyde Products
-  12 February 2025
Key Points
We present the ozone monitoring instrument (OMI) Collection 4 formaldehyde (HCHO) product, retrieved using the SAO retrieval algorithm
OMI Collection 4 HCHO product is well-correlated with the ground-based Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometers (FTIR) HCHO measurements
OMI Collection 4 HCHO provides a stable long-term data record and shows strong agreement with OMPS and TROPOMI HCHO products
Exploring Machine Learning's Potential for Estimating High Resolution Daily Snow Depth in Western Himalaya Using Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data Sets
-  12 February 2025
Key Points
ML based high resolution daily snow depth is estimated for the first-time over entire Western Himalaya using Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data
Proposed snow depth model has higher accuracy than operational passive microwave snow depth products
Demonstrated the potential of machine learning for snow depth estimations in data scare high altitude region
Wind Profile Characteristics That Warn of Summertime Flash Heavy Rain Events Over the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin
-  12 February 2025
Key Points
Flash heavy rain events (FHREs) are most frequent during Meiyu, increasing from northwest to southeast across the middle Yangtze River basin
Before FHREs, strong southerlies dominate the lower troposphere in the east, while weak easterlies prevail in the west
Hours before rainfall, winds accelerate notably over the eastern plain, while directional shifts are observed over the western mountains
Characteristics of Regional Hourly Extreme Precipitation With Different Durations Over the Northeast Plain, China During Summer
-  12 February 2025
Key Points
The regional extreme precipitation events (REPEs) increases from north to south of the Northeast Plain of China (NPC) in the summer of 2000–2020
The diurnal variation of REPE over NPC exhibits the double-peak structure during the 2000–2020 summer
The intensity of REPE significantly increases over NPC in the summer of 2000–2020
Impact of NWP Model Configuration and Training Sample Characteristics on Random Forest‐Based Day‐1 Convective Outlook Guidance
-  11 February 2025
Key Points
Differences in training sample subsets have significant impacts on RF-based forecast performance
Impacts of sample climate can be comparable or larger than impacts of NWP model configuration
Forecast performance increase resulting from increasing training sample size is limited beyond ∼30 training forecast cases
Global Bathymetry and Topography at 15 Arc Sec: SRTM15+
- Earth and Space Science
-  1847-1864
-  8 August 2019
Key Points
- An updated global elevation grid is presented using a spatial sampling interval of 15 arc sec
- New bathymetry data include more than 33.6 million ship soundings and more than 6 years of non-repeat altimetry measurements
- The percentage of seafloor mapped by echo soundings remains low; our current compilation covers only 10.84% at 15-arc sec resolution
A new digital bathymetric model of the world's oceans
- Earth and Space Science
-  331-345
-  29 June 2015
Key Points
- GEBCO_2014, a digital global bathymetric model, is documented
- Thirty-three percent of ocean grid cells have been updated from previous version
- Updated regional bathymetric compilations and other data incorporated
NRLMSIS 2.0: A Whole‐Atmosphere Empirical Model of Temperature and Neutral Species Densities
- Earth and Space Science
-  17 September 2020
Key Points
- A major, reformulated upgrade to NRLMSISE-00 is presented using extensive new data sets from the ground to ~100 km altitude
- Vertical structure of the atmosphere is now self-consistently coupled; O density now extends down to 50 km
- New model is warmer in upper troposphere, cooler in stratosphere and mesosphere; thermospheric N2 and O densities are lower
An update to the Horizontal Wind Model (HWM): The quiet time thermosphere
- Earth and Space Science
-  301-319
-  22 April 2015
Key Points
- The horizontal wind model has been updated
- New data fill observational gaps
- Empirical specifications are consistent with ionospheric models
The Ames Stereo Pipeline: NASA's Open Source Software for Deriving and Processing Terrain Data
- Earth and Space Science
-  537-548
-  31 August 2018
Key Points
- The Ames Stereo Pipeline is an open source user-friendly suite of stereogrammetry tools
- The software can be applied to data from the Earth and other planets in the solar system
- The software suite contains tools to help prepare data for stereo correlation and processes output terrain data
The GEDI Simulator: A Large‐Footprint Waveform Lidar Simulator for Calibration and Validation of Spaceborne Missions
- Earth and Space Science
-  294-310
-  6 February 2019
Key Points
- GEDI's simulator has been validated and found accurate enough for pre-launch calibration activities
- The uncertainties of the simulator have been quantified and ALS beam density identified as a sufficient measure of accuracy
- Interesting quirks of full-waveform metrics have been highlighted and investigated
Comparative Assessment of Various Machine Learning‐Based Bias Correction Methods for Numerical Weather Prediction Model Forecasts of Extreme Air Temperatures in Urban Areas
- Earth and Space Science
-  14 March 2020
Key Points
- Machine learning based bias correction of air temperature forecasts of a numerical model
- All machine learning models improved prediction skills of air temperature
- An ensemble of three machine learning models resulted in more robust bias correction than individual machine learning models
ISC‐EHB 1964–2016, an Improved Data Set for Studies of Earth Structure and Global Seismicity
- Earth and Space Science
-  3 January 2020
Key Points
- Over 35 million arrival times of seismic phases reported to the ISC for well-recorded global earthquakes have been reprocessed
- The data set, called ISC-EHB, contains refined locations and depths for 170,550 globally distributed seismic events between 1964 and 2016
- The ISC-EHB data set is used to highlight features of subduction zones globally
Automated River Plastic Monitoring Using Deep Learning and Cameras
- Earth and Space Science
-  28 July 2020
Key Points
- The proposed automated monitoring method locates river plastic on images reliably
- The method generalizes reasonably well to new locations and would benefit from a larger data set
- Automated method counts agree reasonably with manual methods
Mapping spatial distribution of forest age in China
- Earth and Space Science
-  108-116
-  29 December 2016
Key Points
- The mean forest age in China is ~43 years, with a large spatial heterogeneity resulting from human and natural disturbances
- Forests in south China are generally young, while older forests are mostly found in east Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and west and northeast China
- Forest types and climate factors are major factors determining forest growth rate
Evaluation of Bias Correction Methods for Regional Climate Models: Downscaled Rainfall Analysis Over Diverse Agroclimatic Zones of India
- Earth and Space Science
-  11 December 2021
Key Points
Linear scaling (SCL) and empirical quantile mapping (EQM) performed well, particularly for simulating wet days (R95)
Local intensity scaling (LOCI) method was relatively less effective in correcting the errors
No distinct variation noted among correction methods to reproduce dry bias (CDD)
InSAR Observations of Construction-Induced Coastal Subsidence on Miami's Barrier Islands, Florida
- Earth and Space Science
-  13 December 2024
Key Points
We identify a widespread subsidence of up to 8 cm in the vertical direction over the 2016–2023 period in Sunny Isles and Surfside based on Sentinel-1 data
There is a spatio-temporal correlation between new constructions in the area and subsidence signal
The subsidence is likely due to prolonged creep deformation of sandy layers within the limestone, affected by construction activities
Performance Assessment of Geophysical Instrumentation Through the Automated Analysis of Power Spectral Density Estimates
- Earth and Space Science
-  22 July 2021
Key Points
Automated geophysical instrument quality control based on a database of power spectral density (PSD) estimates
Strict quality criteria on PSD estimates to verify the performance of geophysical instruments
Operational for the Netherlands Seismic-Acoustic Network (NSAN) and extendable to other geophysical monitoring infrastructures
NRLMSIS 2.0: A Whole‐Atmosphere Empirical Model of Temperature and Neutral Species Densities
- Earth and Space Science
-  17 September 2020
Key Points
- A major, reformulated upgrade to NRLMSISE-00 is presented using extensive new data sets from the ground to ~100 km altitude
- Vertical structure of the atmosphere is now self-consistently coupled; O density now extends down to 50 km
- New model is warmer in upper troposphere, cooler in stratosphere and mesosphere; thermospheric N2 and O densities are lower
Global Bathymetry and Topography at 15 Arc Sec: SRTM15+
- Earth and Space Science
-  1847-1864
-  8 August 2019
Key Points
- An updated global elevation grid is presented using a spatial sampling interval of 15 arc sec
- New bathymetry data include more than 33.6 million ship soundings and more than 6 years of non-repeat altimetry measurements
- The percentage of seafloor mapped by echo soundings remains low; our current compilation covers only 10.84% at 15-arc sec resolution
Global Distribution and Morphology of Small Seamounts
- Earth and Space Science
-  6 April 2023
Key Points
We used the latest vertical gravity gradient maps to update and refine a global seamount catalog, finding 19,325 new seamounts
Smaller seamounts (<2,500 m tall) having good bathymetry coverage (739) were modeled with a radially symmetric Gaussian function
Two modeling approaches show that smaller seamounts have a sigma to height ratio of 2.4 which agrees with an earlier study by Smith (1988)
The GEDI Simulator: A Large‐Footprint Waveform Lidar Simulator for Calibration and Validation of Spaceborne Missions
- Earth and Space Science
-  294-310
-  6 February 2019
Key Points
- GEDI's simulator has been validated and found accurate enough for pre-launch calibration activities
- The uncertainties of the simulator have been quantified and ALS beam density identified as a sufficient measure of accuracy
- Interesting quirks of full-waveform metrics have been highlighted and investigated
Advances in the Evaluation of Cloud Seeding: Statistical Evidence for the Enhancement of Precipitation
- Earth and Space Science
-  425-439
-  2 September 2018
Key Points
- Quantitative effects of artificial precipitation enhancement experiments caused widely academic debates in atmospheric physics
- Recent progresses and critical problems on how to evaluate cloud seeding and acquire statistical evidence are reviewed
- We describe important issues, aiming to reduce systematic errors and uncertainties as well as improve quantitative sounding and evaluation
From Open Data to Open Science
- Earth and Space Science
-  29 April 2021
Key Points
Open science is a collaborative culture enabled by technology that empowers the open sharing of data, information, and knowledge within the scientific community and the wider public to accelerate scientific research and understanding
This study provides a synopsis of various open science activities occurring throughout the community and synthesizes those activities around three broad open science focus areas
Science has become increasingly data driven, and data programs now play a critical role in enabling and accelerating open science
Data programs can set strategic policies and directions that are critical to enabling and promoting open science
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for GEDI Footprint Aboveground Biomass Density
- Earth and Space Science
-  8 November 2022
Key Points
Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) aboveground biomass density is from models trained on a comprehensive database of field measurements and simulated GEDI waveforms
On-orbit prediction requires stratification by plant functional type and world region
Quality flags and metrics distinguish GEDI measurements that are representative of the conditions under which models were developed