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Seismic Observation of a New ULVZ Beneath the Southern Pacific
- First Published: 29 March 2024
Detection of anomalous Sdiff postcursors sampling the core-mantle boundary beneath the Southern Pacific
Beamforming and forward waveform modeling analyses find a new ultra-low velocity zone (ULVZ) with an uncertain location beneath the southern Pacific
This provides a potential new seismic example to support the correlation between surface ocean island basalts and ULVZs
The Anisotropic Behavior of a Clay Shale: Strength, Hydro-Mechanical Couplings and Failure Processes
- First Published: 23 November 2023
Structural anisotropy causes anisotropic behavior of hydro-mechanical response of a shale in confined and unconfined laboratory experiments
Loading configuration influences elasticity, poromechanics, and failure behavior in tensile, uniaxial and triaxial compressive loading
Failure causes shear strain localization by different microstructural expressions in accordance with analyses of effective stress paths
Osmium Isotope Heterogeneity of the Upper Mantle: Evidence From the Bay of Islands Ophiolite Complex, Newfoundland
- First Published: 23 November 2023
Geochemical features and thermodynamic modeling reveal a record of melting events under both convergent and divergent plate margins
Significant Os isotope heterogeneities show that the melting events occurred long before obduction of the massif onto the continent
The convecting upper mantle preserves heterogeneous domains with different fertilities and melting histories for long periods
Linking Significant Zr Isotopic Fractionation in Magmatic Zircons With Petrographic Textures
- First Published: 17 October 2023
Early-formed zircon crystals or domains are isotopically lighter in Zr than those crystallized late in both mafic and felsic rocks
Diversity in textural occurrences and sizes of zircons potentially explain the Zr isotopic heterogeneity at the mineral scale
Geochemical information extracted from separated minerals does not always reflect the nature of primitive magma
Fault Zone Spatial Stress Variations in a Granitic Rock Mass: Revealed by Breakouts Within an Array of Boreholes
- First Published: 28 July 2023
Spatial stress variations within a fault zone can be indicated by the breakout rotations therein
Breakout rotations occur at different scales, indicating significant stress heterogeneity across scales
It is inferred that the two horizontal stresses become more isotropic, accompanied by complex stress rotations within the fault zone
Heterogeneity Versus Anisotropy and the State of Stress in Stable Cratons: Observations From a Deep Borehole in Northeastern Alberta, Canada
- First Published: 08 March 2023
Image and geophysical logs were obtained in a borehole drilled to nearly 2.5 km in the stable metamorphic craton in northeast Alberta
Breakout (BO) directions change over distinct depth sections, and these mostly correlate with metamorphic foliations and elastic anisotropy
BO morphologies interpreted under the rock anisotropic paradigm indicate lower stress magnitudes than those inferred conventionally
The Post-Perovskite Transition in Fe- and Al-Bearing Bridgmanite: Effects on Seismic Observables
- First Published: 09 March 2023
Ab initio results on the Pv-PPv transition in Fe- and Al-bearing bridgmanite are consistent with experimental measurements in phases with similar compositions
Plausible compositions display wide transition pressure ranges. A change of aggregate composition across a sharp D” discontinuity is likely to occur
The Pv-PPv exothermic transition does not contribute significantly to the thermal boundary layer atop the core-mantle boundary
Estimation of Moho Depth Beneath Southern Indian Shield by Inverting Gravity Anomalies Constrained by Seismic Data
- First Published: 23 February 2023
Extended Bott's method for inversion and Gauss-Fast Fourier Transform based forward model ensuring high precision
Removal of gravity anomalies due to density heterogeneities compared to the global model
High resolution Moho surface beneath the Indian Peninsula and adjacent region
Strain Accommodation and Seismic Hazards of the Kalpin Fold-And-Thrust Belt, Southwestern Tian Shan Foreland, China: Insights From the 2020 Mw 6.0 Kalpin Earthquake
- First Published: 23 February 2023
The moderate 2020 Mw 6.0 Kalpin earthquake was initiated on a weak décollement in southwest Tian Shan
Seismological data and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar postseismic time series analysis confirm a vertical separation of the mainshock and aftershocks
Combination of thin-skin and thick-skin deformation processes throughout the different stages of the seismic cycle
Hierarchical Homogenization With Deep-Learning-Based Surrogate Model for Rapid Estimation of Effective Permeability From Digital Rocks
- First Published: 14 February 2023
Large digital rock data sets are generated for use in machine learning research of permeability prediction
3-D convolutional neural network with transfer learning is efficient to estimate permeability of sub-volumes of digital rocks
The hierarchical homogenization method provides a computationally efficient way to predict effective permeability of large digital rock samples
Age-Independent Oceanic Plate Thickness and Asthenosphere Melting From SS Precursor Imaging
- First Published: 01 February 2023
SS precursors reveal depths of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary independent of seafloor age
The oceanic lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary is a strong reflector and can be explained by 1.5%–2% of partial melt
Large depth variations of the top and the bottom boundaries of the asthenosphere suggest a heterogeneous melting process
Stress Relaxing Simulation on Digital Rock: Characterize Attenuation Due To Wave-Induced Fluid Flow and Scattering
- First Published: 31 January 2023
We develop a stress relaxing simulation (SRS) method on the digital rock to compute the effective elastic and attenuation signature of heterogeneous porous rocks
SRS method is able to characterize attenuation due to wave-induced fluid flow and scattering as well as their interactions simultaneously
The reliability and accuracy of the SRS method are benchmarked with existing well-developed digital rock physics methods
Stress Effects on Wave Velocities of Rocks: Contribution of Crack Closure, Squirt Flow and Acoustoelasticity
- First Published: 13 October 2022
We measure elastic wave velocities in saturated rocks, to analyze the effects of crack closure, squirt flow and acoustoelasticity
To this purpose, we develop an unrelaxed double-porosity acoustoelasticity model
Crack closure dominates, followed by the squirt-flow mechanism at low differential pressures, while acoustoelasticity effects are important at high differential pressures. In granites, the last effect prevails
Microseismic Constraints on the Mechanical State of the North Anatolian Fault Zone 13 Years After the 1999 M7.4 Izmit Earthquake
- First Published: 07 September 2022
We build an extensive earthquake catalog using our new fully automated method along the western North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ)
We observe variable statistical properties (b-value and temporal clustering) along the NAFZ
High b-value and strong temporal clustering may suggest the occurrence of slow slip in the Lake Sapanca step-over
Measurement of Grain Bulk Modulus on Sandstone Samples From the Norwegian Continental Shelf
- First Published: 26 August 2022
Systematic measurements on the grain bulk moduli of 38 sandstone samples through unjacketed tests
Grain bulk modulus of sandstone ranges broadly due to deposition, composition, and microstructure differences
Cementation is a dominant factor controlling sandstone grain bulk modulus
Anomalous Radial Anisotropy and Its Implications for Upper Mantle Dynamics Beneath South China From Multimode Surface Wave Tomography
- First Published: 06 August 2022
An anisotropic shear wave model beneath South China is constructed by multimode surface wave tomography with improved vertical resolution
Sichuan basin shows negative radial anisotropy, reflecting the influence of eastward compression and mantle flow under the Tibetan Plateau
The low-velocity anomaly and strong negative radial anisotropy of the Hainan Island may be related to the Hainan mantle plume
Dynamic SV-Wave Signatures of Fluid-Saturated Porous Rocks Containing Intersecting Fractures
- First Published: 03 August 2022
Dynamic SV-wave signatures of fluid-saturated porous rocks containing intersecting fractures are studied and compared to P-waves
Fracture-Background Wave-induced Fluid Flow causes much smaller dispersion and attenuation for SV-waves than for P-waves
SV-wave anisotropy is greatly affected by Wave-induced Fluid Flow and elastic scattering, which has distinctly different features compared to P-waves
Combining Dense Seismic Arrays and Broadband Data to Image the Subsurface Velocity Structure in Geothermally Active South-Central Utah
- First Published: 21 June 2022
We combine separate geophone deployments with broadband data using ambient noise and beamforming to measure H/V ratios and phase velocity
A low velocity zone likely exists at approximately 10 km depth coinciding with areas of high surface heat flux and geothermal activity
We find strong similarities between the geothermal region in Utah and the Coso geothermal field
Understanding the Anisotropic Mechanical Behavior of Single-Crystalline Alpha Quartz From the Insight of Molecular Dynamics
- First Published: 28 May 2022
The molecular dynamics simulations are investigated to study the anisotropic behavior of single crystalline quartz
Maximum stress under uniaxial tension is greater in z (c-axis) than in other directions
Young's modulus varies in different crystallographic directions
Statistical Analysis of Small Faults in Rotated Blocks of Crust Near the Húsavík-Flatey Transform Fault, Northern Iceland
- First Published: 04 April 2022
Many small faults near the Húsavík-Flatey transform fault appear to have experienced large-magnitude vertical-axis rotations
Previous paleostress studies have likely overestimated the temporal variability in the stress field around the transform fault
Inferences about the relative timing of structures provide insight into the tectonic history of off-fault deformation