Volume 112, Issue B5
Chemistry and Physics of Minerals and Rocks/Volcanology
Free Access

Vibrational and thermodynamic properties of forsterite at mantle conditions

Li Li

Li Li

Department of Geosciences, Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA

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Renata M. Wentzcovitch

Renata M. Wentzcovitch

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute for Digital Technology and Advanced Computations, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

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Donald J. Weidner

Donald J. Weidner

Department of Geosciences, Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA

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Cesar R. S. Da Silva

Cesar R. S. Da Silva

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute for Digital Technology and Advanced Computations, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

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First published: 09 May 2007
Citations: 29


[1] We present a first-principle study of the vibrational and thermodynamic properties of Mg2SiO4 forsterite up to 20 GPa. The calculated local density approximation (LDA) frequencies and their pressure dependence are in good agreement with the available Raman and infrared spectroscopy data. We also predict the pressure dependence of the modes which are yet to be measured. Thermodynamic properties are obtained using the quasi-harmonic approximation (QHA) to the free energy in conjunction with these results. The calculated pressure-volume-temperature (P-V-T) relations and thermodynamic properties agree well with the reported experimental data within the regime of validity of the QHA. The only discrepancies with experimental data that point to intrinsic anharmonic effects are the mode Gruneisen parameters of two Raman and one infrared modes. However, their effect on thermodynamic properties appears to be negligible.

1. Introduction

[2] Mg2SiO4 forsterite is the end-member of olivine, which is the major constituent of the upper mantle. It has been widely studied; the results can be seen in both vibrational spectroscopy [Akaogi et al., 1984; Chopelas, 1990; Ghose et al., 1992; Gillet et al., 1991; Hofmeister, 1987; Iishi, 1978; Pilati et al., 1995; Rao et al., 1988; Wang et al., 1993] and elasticity measurements [Cynn et al., 1998; Downs et al., 1996; Duffy et al., 1995; Guyot et al., 1996; Isaak et al., 1989; Li et al., 1996; Meng et al., 1993; Zha et al., 1994]. Vibrational modes of forsterite measured at high pressure in the laboratory are limited in its number of detected modes (84 modes for forsterite in total) even though the stability of forsterite reaches 410 km depth of the Earth. Previous lattice dynamic calculations [Pavese, 1998; Price et al., 1987] on forsterite are limited to the usage of empirical potentials. The first-principles approach based on density functional theory [Hohenberg and Kohn, 1964] has been successfully applied to predict the structural and elastic properties of Mg2SiO4 forsterite at high pressures [da Silva et al., 1997; Wentzcovitch and Stixrude, 1997], while the vibrational properties are yet to be explored with this approach.

[3] In the past decade, first-principles lattice dynamics in conjunction with the quasi-harmonic approximation (QHA) has been applied to predict vibrational and thermodynamic properties of mantle minerals such as MgO pericalse [Karki et al., 2000c], MgSiO3 perovskite [Karki et al., 2000b], MgSiO3 ilmenite [Karki et al., 2000a], MgSiO3 postperovskite [Tsuchiy et al., 2004; Tsuchiya et al., 2005], and Mg2SiO4 ringwoodite [Yu and Wentzcovitch, 2006] at mantle conditions. The predicted vibrational and thermoelastic properties of these minerals and their aggregates have been reported to be in very good agreement with available experimental data and preliminary reference Earth model (PREM). Now we address the properties of Mg2SiO4 forsterite with the same methods. In contrast, with these other minerals, Mg2SiO4 forsterite is stable at lower pressures up to 14 GPa. Some studies have reported anharmonic characteristics in forsterite [Anderson, 1996; Cynn et al., 1996; Gillet et al., 1991] based on the observation of the temperature dependence of the Raman and acoustic frequencies, in addition to thermodynamic considerations by which CV was determined from measurements of CP. Here we will compare the calculated and measured vibrational properties of forsterite and investigate the validity of the QHA formulation to reproduce its thermodynamic properties.

2. Method

[4] Our computations use the local density approximation (LDA) [Celperley and Alder, 1990; Perdew and Zunger, 1981]. Calculation details are similar to those reported in previous works [ Karki et al., 2000b; Tsuchiy et al., 2004; Tsuchiya et al., 2005; Yu and Wentzcovitch, 2006]. The equilibrated structure of forsterite was calculated using the first-principles implementation of a variable cell-shape damped molecular dynamics (VCSMD) [Wentzcovitch and Price, 1996; Wentzcovitch et al., 1995]. Pseudopotentials of Mg were generated by the method of von Barth and Car [Karki et al., 2000b; Tsuchiya et al., 2005], while those of O and Si are by the method of Troullier and Martins [Troullier and Martins, 1991]. The plane wave energy cut-off used is 70 Ry, and the k point sampling of the charge density was performed on a 2 × 2 × 2 grid in Brillouin zone (BZ) shifted by equation imageThe calculations with 2 × 2 × 2 and 4 × 2 × 4 grid of k points give a difference in energy by 0.1 meV/atom, in pressure by 0.03 GPa. Thus using 4 × 2 × 4 grid changes little on the precision for this study. The dynamical matrix was obtained using density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) [Baroni et al., 2001]. At each pressure, dynamical matrices were calculated on a 2 × 2 × 2 (without shift) q point mesh; force constants were extracted and used to produce matrices in a 12 × 12 × 12 q point grid. The corresponding normal modes were used in the calculation of the free energy.

3. Results and Discussion

[5] Forsterite has an orthorhombic structure (Pbnm, Z = 4). Mg atoms occupy two distinct octahedral sites: M1 (4a) and M2 (4c); Si atoms occupy the tetrahedral site (4c); O atoms occupy three distinct sites at tetrahedral corners: O1 (4c), O2 (4d), and O3 (8d). The oxygen atoms form a distorted hexagonal close-packed arrangement. The unit cell has four formulas (28 atoms), so there are 84 vibrational modes at each q point in the Brillouin zone, among which 3 are acoustic and 81 are optical modes. The irreducible representation of forsterite lattice at the BZ center is as in equation (4a)
equation image
where 11Ag + 7B1g + 11B2g + 7B3g are Raman active; 14B1u + 10B2u + 14B3u are infrared active; and 10Au is inactive. The three acoustic modes are B1u + B2u + B3u.

[6] The calculated phonon dispersion along several symmetry directions and the vibrational density of states at 0 and 20 GPa are shown in Figure 1. The diagonal components of the dielectric tensor are (2.85, 2.77, 2.79) at zero pressure and (2.87, 2.78, 2.79) at 20 GPa. The Born effective charges of Mg are close to 2 for Mg, while those for Si and O are significantly different from ideal values of 4 and −2 and are highly anisotropic. For Mg, they are Z*[Mg] = (2.17, 1.72, 1.94) at 0 Gpa and (2.11, 1.71, 1.89) at 20 GPa; Z*[Si] = (3.07, 2.62, 2.92) at 0 GPa and (3.10, 2.74, 2.99) at 20 GPa; Z*[O1] = (−2.33, −1.40, −1.47) and Z*[O2] = (−1.60, −1.98, −1.53) at 0 GPa, and Z*[O1] = (−2.27, −1.42, −1.49) and Z*[O2] = (−1.58, −1.61, −1.85) at 20 GPa.

Details are in the caption following the image
Phonon dispersion and vibrational density of states of Mg2SiO4 forsterite, (a) 0 GPa and (b) 20 GPa. The infrared and Raman spectra are plotted as red dots [Iishi, 1978] and blue dots [Lam et al., 1990], respectively. The points in the Brillouin zone are à = (0, 0, 0); X = (0, 0, 2π/a); S = (π/a, π/b, 0); Y = (0, 2π/b, 0); Z = (0, 0, π/c); T = (0, 2π/b, π/c); R = (π/a, π/b, π/c); and U = (π/a, 0, π/c).

[7] We list our calculated frequencies of the optical Raman modes at 0 GPa and 0 K in Table 1, infrared modes in Table 2, and inactive modes at zone center in Table 3 and compare these with previously reported results at 0 GPa pressure. Also, listed are the mode Grüneisen parameters (γi= −d(lnωi)/dlnV). A number of studies have reported the phonon frequencies of forsterite at zero pressure using different techniques such as Raman and infrared spectroscopy [e.g., Iishi, 1978; Lam et al., 1990] and inelastic neutron scattering [Rao et al., 1988]; only the results from one study [Iishi, 1978] are listed in Tables 1 and 2, since these studies agree well with each other. The frequency of an infrared active mode splits into two values depending on whether the mode is longitudinal (LO) or transverse (TO), which is due to the contribution of the macroscopic electric field to the LO mode in a polar crystal. The calculated eigenvectors, which contain information about the internal and external motions of the SiO4 tetrahedral and Mg ions, are used to deduce the symmetry labels of the modes following a method described elsewhere [Rao et al., 1988]. We find similar frequency-pressure relationships between Raman and infrared modes. The calculated frequencies at the zone center are all positive and increase with pressure for Raman (Figure 2a) and infrared modes alike (Figure 2b). The pressure dependences of mode frequencies are consistent with available experimentally fitted curves [Chopelas, 1990; Hofmeister, 1987; Wang et al., 1993]. Only two Raman modes, the lowest B3g ones and one B1u IR mode, have the calculated γi considerably different from measured ones. This might be signs of forsterite’s anharmonicity, not properly accounted for by the present approach. However, their effect on thermodynamics properties seems to be unnoticeable within the regime of validity of the QHA.

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Pressure dependence of the frequencies of (a) Raman vibrational modes, (b) infrared TO, (c) infrared LO, and (d) inactive mode at the zone center. Cross symbols are calculated frequencies. The solid line and dashed line are experimentally extrapolated results.
Table 1. Vibrational Raman Modes of Forseterite at Ambient Conditions in cm−1
Calculation Experiment Modes Typea
υI γi υi γi
a,b c c d e
Ag 188 0.30 183 T′(Mg2, SiO4:x)
222 0.75 227 227 0.70 0.64 0.67 T′(SiO4, Mg2:y)
316 1.21 305 306 1.80 1.36 1.63 T′(Mg2, SiO4:x)
333 1.21 329 T′(Mg2, SiO4:x)
357 1.19 340 341 1.78 1.87 R′(SiO4:z)
436 1.36 424 υ2
529 0.77 546 υ4
596 0.69 609 609 0.70 0.68 0.70 υ4
818 0.46 826 826 0.50 0.48 0.48 υ1
850 0.42 856 856 0.50 0.43 0.49 υ3
965 0.59 965 υ3
B3g 195 1.11 226 183 2.15 2.09 T′(SiO4:z)
284 0.73 272 290 1.35 T′(Mg2:z)
320 1.07 318 R′(SiO4:y)
383 0.94 376 R′(SiO4:z)
418 1.14 412 424 0.97 0.99 υ2
577 0.58 595 587 0.61 υ4
914 0.36 922 922 0.40 0.38 0.38 υ3
B2g 174 0.09 142 T′(Mg2,z)
249 1.07 244 244 1.23 1.21 T′(SiO4:z)
329 1.24 324 R′(SiO4:x)
370 1.04 368 376 1.40 1.26 1.25 R′(SiO4:y)
450 1.27 441 441 1.80 1.59 1.60 υ2
568 0.57 588 545 0.60 0.42 0.53 υ4
877 0.40 884 884 0.50 0.44 0.44 υ3
B1g 222 0.81 192 227 0.70 0.64 0.67 T′(Mg2:SiO4:y)
256 0.94 224 T′(Mg2:SiO4:x)
327 1.20 260 T′(Mg2:SiO4:x)
360 1.16 318 331 1.30 1.14 1.12 T′(Mg2:y)
384 0.90 418 R′(SiO4:z)
444 1.23 434 434 1.35 1.40 υ2
569 0.61 583 584 0.60 0.48 0.66 υ4
618 0.68 632 υ4
829 0.48 839 826 0.50 0.48 0.48 υ1
858 0.40 866 856 0.50 0.43 0.49 υ3
975 0.59 976 966 0.70 0.66 0.66 υ3
Table 2. Calculated Frequencies (cm−1) of Infrared Modes of Forsterite, Compared With Experiments at Zero Pressurea
Calculation Experiment Mode Typea
υTO υLO γi υTO υLO υi γi υi γi
a a b b c c
B3u 205 205 1.16 201 T′(Mg1, SiO4:y)
277 277 0.57 224 T′(Mg2:x,y)
296 297 1.04 274 276 T′(Mg1:x; Mg2:y)
321 323 1.12 293 298 T′(Mg1:x,z)
398 403 1.13 320 323 T′(Mg1:z,y)
407 450 1.07 378 386 T′(Mg2:x,y)
482 482 1.00 403 469 R′(SiO4:x)
508 520 0.89 498 544 υ2
531 532 0.86 562 566 υ4
593 606 0.61 601 645 υ4
824 825 0.48 838 845 846 0.39 836 0.47 υ1
954 965 0.41 957 963 962 0.32 925 0.23 υ3
975 1024 0.61 980 1086 υ3
B2u 146 146 1.06 144 T1(Mg1:SiO4:x)
282 284 0.80 224 T;(Mg2:x)
295 307 0.74 280 283 T′(Mg1:y)
363 376 1.27 294 313 T′(Mg1:x,z; Mg2:y)
398 419 1.11 352 376 T′(Mg2:x,y)
427 430 1.20 400 412 T′(Mg1:z)
463 472 1.14 421 446 R′(SiO4:z)
502 507 0.74 465 493 υ2
530 532 0.86 510 516 υ4
617 617 0.66 537 597 614 0.54 609 0.28 υ4
825 830 0.48 838 843 υ1
868 914 0.43 882 979 υ3
985 986 0.59 987 993 992 0.65 988 0.68 υ3
B1u 194 194 0.63 201 T′(Mg1:y,z)
278 279 0.57 224 T′(Mg1:x)
296 304 0.81 274 278 T′(Mg1:y; Mg2:z)
316 317 1.11 296 318 T′(Mg1:z)
426 438 1.24 365 371 R′(SiO4:z)
428 443 1.38 423 459 R′(SiO4:y)
475 490 0.96 483 489 υ2
504 518 0.87 502 585 517 0.50 483 0.38 υ4
870 931 0.40 885 994 887 0.39 876 0.32 υ3
  • a The assignments follow a previous study [Iishi, 1978]. R (rotational lattice mode) and T (translational lattice modes) are the two external modes. The four internal vibrational modes of SiO4 ion are υ1(A1 type), υ2(E type), υ3 and υ4 (F2 type). References: a, [Iishi, 1978]; b, [Wang et al., 1993]; c, [Hofmeister, 1987]. vi is the vibrational frequency; γi is the Grüneisen parameter of mode i as defined in equation 5b.
Table 3. Calculated Frequencies (cm−1) and Mode Grüneisen Parameters for Au Inactive Modes at Zero Pressure
υi υia γi
104 171 0.98
180 161 0.16
246 225 0.69
299 286 1.17
348 347 1.08
390 376 1.17
439 437 1.31
480 469 0.95
509 511 0.86
905 885 0.37

4. Thermodynamic Properties

[8] In the QHA formulation, the Helmholtz free energy can be expressed as:
equation image
where the first term is the internal energy, the second is the zero point motion energy, and the third is the vibrational energy contribution, where ωj represents phonons with normal mode q. The total vibrational energy of a crystal is the sum over all the phonon modes in the Brillouin zone. In our calculation, the sum is performed on a 12 × 12 × 12 q mesh, i.e., 343 unequivalent points in the first BZ. When comparing predictions of the QHA with measurements, it is important to be aware of the domain of validity of this approximation [Gillet et al., 1997; Stacey and Isaak, 2003]. The maximum temperature at which the QHA is predictive at a particular pressure can be inferred from a posteriori inspection of the thermal expansion coefficient, α(T). There is, in general, a deviation from the linearity of α(T) at high T, i.e., at some T between the Debye temperature (∼750°C) and the melting temperature (∼2160°C); the zero point of 2α/T2 can be used to bind the QHA validity region (Wentzcovitch et al., 2004). Using this criterion, our results indicate that QHA is valid for forsterite in the upper mantle (Figure 3). In the following, we present our results and compare them with experimental data, from which we can see the effectiveness of the QHA. The results at pressure and temperature regions (P-Ts) where the QHA is valid are plotted as solid line, otherwise plotted as dotted line. Differences between calculations and measurements can also be seen in the QHA invalid P-T region. Although we have not done so, anharmonicity in this P-T domain could perhaps be accounted for by introducing in equation (4b) a term of avKBT2 where av = ( ln v/∂T)v defined by Downs et al. [1996], Gillet et al. [1991], and Guyot et al. [1996]. There are limited data av available; only 20 out of 81 modes have been reported [Downs et al., 1996; Gillet et al., 1991; Guyot et al., 1996], thus it is difficult to apply this procedure to this study.
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The valid pressure and temperature region of QHA estimated from calculated thermal expansion coefficient. The thick line indicates an estimate of geotherm [Brown and Shankland, 1981; Green et al., 1999], the light gray region is the QHA valid region.

[9] The calculated pressure-volume-temperature (P-V-T) relations are plotted in Figure 4. These curves are fitted with isothermal third-order finite strain equations [Birch, 1986] yielding V0 = 289.5 Å3, K0 = 126.4 GPa, Ê0 = 4.2. These compression curves are in good agreement with the experimental data [Downs et al., 1996; Gillet et al., 1991, Meng et al., 1993, 106; Guyot et al., 1996]. A comparison of calculated and measured thermodynamic properties at room temperature and pressure is reported in Table 4. The agreement between calculated and measured values is excellent.

Details are in the caption following the image
Calculated pressure-temperature-volume relations for forsterite. “Static” represents the results for static lattice (without zero point motion). “T = 0K, with ZPM” represents the results after the zero point motion correction. “Exp a” represents the measured data in the temperature range 675–1273 K by Guyot et al. [1996]; “Cal a” is the calculated values at 300 K, 700 K, 1100 K, 1500 K, and 1900 K using QHA by Guyot et al. [1996]. “Exp b” represents the measured data in the temperature range 1019–1371 K by Meng et al. [1993]. Solid black lines are calculated results at P-T where QHA is valid; dashed lines extended beyond the solid are at P-T condition where QHA is invalid.
Table 4. Calculated Thermal Equation of State Compared With Experimental Data
300 K, 0 GPa Calculation, This Study 300 K, 0 GPa Experiment References
V(Å3) 289.5 291.9 [Guyot et al., 1996]
290.1 [Downs et al., 1996]
289.2 [Gillet et al., 1991]
KT(GPa) 126.4 125(2) [Downs et al., 1996]
127.7(2) [Gillet et al., 1991]
KT 4.2 4.0(4) [Downs et al., 1996]
α(× 10−5 K−1) 2.64 2.83 [Bouhifd et al.,1996]
2.77 [Gillet et al., 1991]
2.48 [Suzuki et al., 1984]
2.56 [Hazen, 1976]
2.72 [Kajiyoshi, 1986]
CP(J mol−1 K−1) 119.3 117.9 [Gillet et al., 1991]
S(J mol−1 K−1) 95.9 93.14 [Chopelas, 1990]
γth 1.23 1.28 [Gillet et al., 1991]
1.29 [Isaak et al., 1989]
1.29 [Chopelas, 1990]
KS(GPa) 127.6 128.8(5) [Zha et al., 1994]
KT/T(× 10−2 GPa K−1) −2.1 −2.1(2) [Meng et al., 1993]
−2.0(2) [Gillet et al., 1991]

[10] In Figures 5a–5g, the calculated thermodynamical properties are plotted and compared with reported data as a function of pressure and temperature. The isothermal (KT) and adiabatic (KS) bulk modulus are plotted in Figures 5a and b. Our KTs are in excellent agreement with experimental values at 0 GPa [ Gillet et al., 1991] and so is KS = KT(1 + αγT) within the regime of validity of the QHA [ Gillet et al., 1991 ; Isaak et al., 1989]. Figure 5c shows the thermal expansivity, equation image, which is determined from the volume dependence of temperature at each pressure. The scattering of experimental data [Bouhifd et al., 1996; Chopelas, 1990; Fei and Saxena, 1987; Gillet et al., 1991; Hazen, 1976; Kajiyoshi, 1986; Suzuki et al., 1984] is substantial at high temperatures even at 0 GPa. Nevertheless, our results are in very good agreement with experimental data within the range of validity of the QHA. At higher pressure, the effect of anharmonicity caused by temperature is expected to decrease. The estimated thermal expansivity at 10 GPa by Guyot et al. [1996] is in excellent agreement with our predictions even beyond the QHA permitted region. Below 1000 K, the differences at 10 GPa are probably due to usage of a less than suitable functional form for α(T) to fit experimental data.

Details are in the caption following the image
Calculated data at pressure (P = 0, 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 GPa) and temperature (T). For Figures 5c–5h, the pressure is from 0 GPa to 20 GPa top-down. (a and b) Isothermal (KT) and adiabatic bulk modulus (KS); (c) thermal expansivity (α), solid black lines are calculated results at P-T where QHA is valid; dashed lines extended beyond the solid are at P-T condition where QHA is invalid; (d) Grüneisen parameter (γ) compared with reported results [Gillet et al., 1991 ; Isaak et al., 1989]; (e and f) heat capacity CV and CP compared with reported results [Anderson, 1996; Gillet et al., 1991 ]; (g and h) entropy (S) versus T and P, cross symbols are by Guyot et al. [1996]; square symbols are by Chopelas [1990].
[11] In the QHA, Grüneisen parameters γth and γm derived from equations (5a) and (5b), are equal.
equation image
equation image
where CV is the heat capacity at constant volume. ωi is the phonon frequency of a vibrational mode i; CVi is the Einstein heat capacity, and γi is the mode Grüneisen parameter of mode i; γm is defined as Grüneisen parameter in terms of the vibrational modes. The comparison between γth and γm for major earth minerals are explicitly discussed in two other studies [Anderson, 1989; Chopelas, 2000]. The discrepancies between γth and γm exist in most minerals such as forsterite, ringwoodite, modified spinel, and MgO. Previously reported Raman spectroscopic measurements [Gillet et al., 1991] have demonstrated that the value of γm derived from equation (5b) is too small compared to reported γth derived from equation (5a) [Chopelas, 1990], which may be due to intrinsic anharmonic contribution. An intrinsic temperature dependence of some vibrational frequencies appears to have been observed at 0 GPa [Gillet et al., 1991]. In Figure 5d, we show that γth at ambient conditions predicted by the QHA differs at most by 5% from those inferred from measurements with less thorough sampling of phonon frequencies [Chopelas, 1990; Gillet et al., 1991].

[12] A solid is said to be anharmonic in behavior when CV is larger than that predicted by the Dulong and Petit limit (3nR) [Cynn et al., 1996]. Forsterite demonstrates this behavior [Anderson, 1996; Cynn et al., 1996; Gillet et al., 1991] at zero pressure and high temperatures. The deviation of our calculated CV from the experimental results increases with temperature, particularly in the P-T regime where the QHA is no longer expected to be valid. This is the sign of anharmonic effects and is shown in Figure 5e. The difference between calculated and measured CP, CP = CV(1 + αγT), is relatively small (Figure 5f). The temperature and pressure dependences of entropy are plotted in Figures 5g–5h. The negative pressure dependences of the entropy at all temperatures are consistent with the experimental results [Chopelas, 1990; Guyot et al., 1996]. Our calculated entropy agrees very nicely with the experimental estimates considering the limited number of phonon modes used in the experimental data.

5. Summary

[13] We have reported first-principles phonon dispersion and vibrational density of states for Mg2SiO4 forsterite up to 20 GPa using density functional theory. Our calculated Raman and infrared frequencies and their pressure dependences are in excellent agreement with available experimental data. We also predict the pressure dependence of some modes which are yet to be measured. The thermoelastic properties were derived from calculated vibrational density of states (VDoS) in conjunction with the QHA. The calculated compression curves, the isothermal bulk modulus, and the constant pressure-specific heat and entropy agree extremely well with the reported experimental data, regardless of claimed anharmonic effects in this solid. The computed mode Grüneisen parameters, γi at zero pressure for three modes, two B3g and one B1u, differ considerably from measured values, pointing perhaps to the origin of anharmonic effects in this solid. However, the QHA still seems to be very effective in describing thermodynamic, including CV, properties within its regime of validity. Deviations beyond this limit support the conclusion that forsterite is a solid that is both anharmonic in CV and quasi-harmonic in the thermal pressure in high-temperature region [Anderson, 1996; Cynn et al., 1996 ; Gillet et al., 1991]. The properties of this material at relevant mantle conditions are well predicted by the QHA.


[14] This research is supported by NSF/EAR 01355, 0230319, NSF/ITR 0428774 (VLAB), and Minnesota Supercomputing Institute. Calculations are performed with Quantum-ESPRESSO package from the Web site http://www.pwscf.org. DJW and LL acknowledge NSF EAR-9909266, EAR0135551, and EAR00135550.