Solar atmospheric coupling by electrons (SOLACE): 1. Effects of the May 12, 1997 solar event on the middle atmosphere
Linwood B. Callis
Search for more papers by this authorMurali Natarajan
Search for more papers by this authorDavid S. Evans
Search for more papers by this authorJames D. Lambeth
Search for more papers by this authorLinwood B. Callis
Search for more papers by this authorMurali Natarajan
Search for more papers by this authorDavid S. Evans
Search for more papers by this authorJames D. Lambeth
Search for more papers by this authorAbstract
An analysis is carried out of the effects on middle atmospheric NOy and O3 of a coronal mass ejection (CME) event which occurred on May 12, 1997, and which is coupled with observed solar wind fluctuations. Observations of electron fluxes by instruments aboard the SAMPEX and NOAA 12 satellites indicate large enhancements of magnetospheric electron fluxes occurring with the arrival of the high-speed solar wind. Calculations suggest that significant formation rates of NOy should occur in the mesosphere and the lower thermosphere at mid to high latitudes. Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) NO observations reveal increases of more than an order of magnitude between 85 and 120 km in both hemispheres within 1–2 days after the electron flux increases. Two dimensional chemical transport simulations were carried out to assess the fate of the NOy increases. Northern hemispheric increases were lost to photochemical destruction shortly after the event ended. Southern hemispheric increases were transported in part into the stratosphere by advective descent. By October 1997, high-latitude NOy increases of 20–40% were calculated near 25 km leading to O3 reductions of up to ≈ 20% when compared to a simulation with no electron precipitation. A solar atmospheric coupling by electrons precipitating from the outer trapping and auroral regions of the magnetosphere, and which affects middle atmospheric NO, is clearly demonstrated by the observations alone.
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