Cold Compaction and Macro-Porosity Removal in Rubble-Pile Asteroids: 1. Theory
This article is a companion to Zhang et al. (2022),
Many asteroids are likely to be have been shattered by collisions into fragments and reaccumulated as gravitationally-bound rubble piles. These bodies may contain large porosities, although this picture may be complicated by compaction inside the asteroid body. Estimates of asteroid mass and volume imply a negative correlation between size and porosity for stony asteroids. Asteroids that are suspected to be metallic appear to contain larger porosities than stony asteroids of similar sizes. To understand these observations, we develop models for cold compaction of fragments of different materials. The initial boulder size distributions are assumed to be narrow. We focus on macro-porosity between the boulders and do not consider micro-porosity inside the boulders. In our model of silicate/chondritic boulders, compaction is assumed to occur through cataclastic fracturing, which creates small pieces that fill the pores between residual large boulders, leading to fractal-like distributions. This fracturing occurs when compression leads to stresses exceeding the tensile strength of the boulders. Combining this model with data on meteorite strength, we suggest that the compaction of chondritic boulders can be significant at pressures of several megapascals. In our model of metal boulders, we consider cold welding and boulder deformation (through ductile yielding or brittle-like fracturing, depending on the stress and intrinsic crack size). Given the properties of iron meteorites, we infer that compaction in metallic rubble piles, caused by ductile or brittle deformation, is small, and that cold welding may lead to large (≳50%) porosities if the boulders are of ∼1 m sizes.
Key Points
Models are developed for cold compaction of rubble piles of different materials
Silicate and chondritic assemblages may be substantially compacted through boulder fracturing at pressures of several megapascals
Metal assemblages can preserve large porosities at least up to ∼10 MPa pressures
Plain Language Summary
The asteroid belt is a remnant of early planetary formation, and it has been continuously modified in the following ∼4.5 billion years through collisional evolution. Many asteroids are likely to have experienced disruptive collisions and exist as gravitationally-bound rubble piles. Voids are expected to exist between the rubble fragments, but they may be removed by the pressure inside the asteroid body. In this paper, we develop models for compaction of rubble piles of different compositions. At pressures inside asteroid bodies with diameters of a few hundred kilometers, assemblages of stony boulders can be substantially compacted through boulder fracturing, which creates smaller pieces that fill the pores between large ones. Assemblages of metal boulders likely preserve larger fractions of voids because of their greater strength and inter-boulder adhesion through cold welding. These models are used to discuss asteroid observations in a companion paper.
1 Introduction
The asteroid belt is a relic of planetary formation processes, and provides a window into the early evolution of the solar system. The features of the asteroid belt, as well as those of individual asteroids, have been continuously modified by collisions. After catastrophic disruptions of bodies larger than ∼1 km in diameter, the remnant bodies are mostly gravitationally-bound aggregates of fragments that are much smaller than the original bodies themselves (e.g., Benz & Asphaug, 1999; Melosh & Ryan, 1997; Michel et al., 2001). Models of asteroid collisional evolution suggest that many asteroids, probably including those that are several hundred kilometers in diameter, may have experienced disruptive collisions and exist as gravitationally-bound aggregates rather than monolithic objects (e.g., Campo Bagatin et al., 2001; Holsapple et al., 2002). Such aggregates of collision fragments are hereafter referred to as rubble piles. The theoretical prediction that rubble piles are a natural outcome of collisional evolution models needs to be tested against observations of asteroids. Density in particular is invoked to infer whether a body is a rubble pile (e.g., Britt et al., 2002; Carry, 2012). With the asteroid density inferred from mass and volume estimates and the material density inferred from spectral observations (together with comparison with analogous meteorites), the macro-porosity (i.e., the volume fraction of void between the blocks) can be estimated. Using the macro-porosity estimates, Britt et al. (2002) classified asteroids into three groups: essentially solid objects, heavily fractured (but coherent) bodies with macro-porosities around ∼20%, and collisionally disrupted rubble piles with macro-porosities over ∼30%. This simple picture can be complicated by at least two factors: (a) The size variation or polydispersity of rubble-pile boulders may reduce the macro-porosity to less than ∼20%, as suggested by recent studies on the small near-Earth rubble pile, (162173) Ryugu (Grott et al., 2020; Herbst et al., 2021). (b) In large asteroids, the pressure is probably large enough to cause porosity reduction through compaction, even in the absence of thermally activated creep. Carry (2012) noticed that there is a moderate positive correlation between size and density for stony and carbonaceous asteroids and hypothesized that it is caused by pressure-induced compaction. There has been a lack of quantitative analysis on the effect of cold compaction in asteroids. Many studies involving this effect cited the discussion in Britt et al. (2002), which used results for sand compression (Hagerty et al., 1993; Yamamuro et al., 1996) to speculate that compaction of rubble-pile blocks may initiate at ∼10 MPa but perhaps remain modest until ∼100 MPa. However, as pointed out by Britt et al. (2002) himself, this analogy may not apply because asteroid blocks likely have disparate properties from sand grains. Asteroids of different types consist of blocks of different materials (ordinary chondrite-like materials for S-type bodies, carbonaceous chondrite-like materials for C-type bodies, and perhaps iron meteorite-like materials for M-type bodies) and likely exhibit various resistance to compaction. It is yet unclear whether such variation can explain densities observed for asteroids of different types.
M-type asteroids are usually thought to be parent bodies of iron meteorites (e.g., Dollfus et al., 1979; Neeley et al., 2014; Shepard et al., 2015). However, recent observations suggest that the densities of two large M-type asteroids, (16) Psyche and (216) Kleopatra (∼3.8 ± 0.3 × 103 kg/m3 and ∼3.4 ± 0.5 × 103 kg/m3, respectively), are substantially lower than those of iron meteorites, ∼7.5 ± 0.5 × 103 kg/m3 (Elkins-Tanton et al., 2020; Fry et al., 2018; Marchis et al., 2021). This implies that either the two large M-type asteroids are dominated by non-metal components or they contain large (≳50%) macro-porosities. M-type asteroids are of interest to planetary scientists because they may provide unique opportunities to investigate planetary cores. Whether Psyche is an exposed core of an ancient planetesimal is a topic of ongoing debate. The detection of silicates, especially hydrated phases, on the surface of Psyche has cast doubt on this view (e.g., Fornasier et al., 2010; Landsman et al., 2018), but recent hypervelocity experiments suggest that these features can be explained by impacts of silicate projectiles at typical asteroid collision velocities (Libourel et al., 2019). The most serious challenge for considering Psyche an exposed core is that its bulk density is much lower than the density of iron. Thus, a critical issue in this debate is whether high porosities (∼50%) can be preserved against compaction caused by the self-gravitation of a body of Psyche's size (e.g., Elkins-Tanton et al., 2020; Shepard et al., 2021). The densities of S-type (stony) asteroids around Psyche's size typically exhibit bulk densities close to their meteorite analogs, namely ordinary chondrites, indicating negligible porosities (e.g., Carry, 2012). It is still not a priori clear whether the high porosities (≳50%) required by interpreting Psyche as a metallic body can actually be preserved in that asteroid's interior. Moderate to high porosities (∼20%–40%) are also invoked in several models that interpret Psyche as a mixed metal and silicate body (e.g., Cantillo et al., 2021; Elkins-Tanton et al., 2020). To explore whether bodies of candidate materials (e.g., CB chondrites) can support void space under Psyche's internal pressure is important for testing these models.
In typical asteroid bodies (up to a few hundred kilometers in diameter), heating from disruptive collisions is almost negligible because strongly heated materials are likely to escape instead of being re-accreted (e.g., Keil et al., 1997; Love & Ahrens, 1996). If the parent body of a rubble pile had sufficiently cooled, and the heat-producing radio-nuclides had decayed by the time of the disruptive collision, the re-accreted rubble pile is likely to remain cold since its formation. In this case, the porosity is controlled by cold compaction inside the asteroid body. In this study, we develop models for cold compaction of rubble piles of different materials. In Section 2, we discuss the packing of boulders in uncompressed assemblages and develop a simple model to evaluate the effect of boulder size distribution. In Section 3, we develop a model for compaction of silicate and chondritic boulders, for which fracturing of boulders is considered the main mechanism for boulder deformation and assemblage compaction. In Section 4, we develop a model for compaction of metal boulders, considering the effects of cold welding and boulder deformation (through ductile yielding and/or brittle-like fracturing, depending on stress conditions and pre-existing crack sizes within the boulders). These models will be applied in a companion paper (Z. Zhang et al., 2022) to discuss observations regarding the densities and porosities of asteroid bodies.
2 Some Preliminary Considerations
2.1 Macro-Porosity and Micro-Porosity
The porosity of an asteroid can be separated into micro-porosity and macro-porosity. The former represents voids and cracks inside the boulders; the latter represents void space between the boulders (e.g., Britt et al., 2002). High micro-porosities (e.g., ∼40%–50%) have been observed in some carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) and the boulders of recently visited C-type asteroids, (162173) Ryugu and (101955) Bennu (e.g., Cambioni et al., 2021; Flynn et al., 2018; Grott et al., 2019; Okada et al., 2020). Such materials are from bodies that were formed from flocculent dust particles in the early solar system (e.g., Okada et al., 2020). To remain highly micro-porous, such materials must have avoided high temperatures that can cause dehydration and thermal annealing since their formation. In contrast, ordinary chondrites (OCs) are thought to have experienced temperatures that are high enough to cause thermal annealing; over ∼90% OC samples were metamorphosed at ≳1000 K (e.g., E. Scott & Krot, 2014); the <∼10% OC samples that were metamorphosed at ≲1000 K are thought to correspond to outermost layers of their parent bodies (e.g., McSween et al., 2002). In these bodies, micro-porosities are expected to be low because of annealing, which is consistent with the view that micro-porosities in OCs were mostly produced by impacts (e.g., Consolmagno et al., 2008). The samples returned from the S-type asteroid, (25143) Itokawa, also exhibit evidence for long-term thermal annealing (e.g., T. Nakamura et al., 2011) and low micro-porosities (e.g., Tsuchiyama et al., 2014). The formation of OC parent bodies appears to occur only in the first ∼2.5 Myr of the solar system, which is early enough for them to be substantially heated by the decay of 26Al with a 0.7 Myr half-life (in contrast with the formation of CC parent bodies, which extended at least to ∼3.5 Myr; e.g., Fujiya et al., 2012; Doyle et al., 2015). The early formation of OC parent bodies (inner solar system planetesimals) may be a natural outcome of the proto-planetary disk evolution (e.g., B. Liu et al., 2022). According to these disk evolution models, late-forming micro-porous OC-like bodies are unlikely to exist. It is possible that some OC-like bodies were formed late and remained micro-porous but that such materials from these bodies have not been sampled as meteorites because they may be too friable to survive atmospheric entry. However, given the information from available meteorites, we assume that S-type asteroid boulders have similar densities as OC meteorite samples in order to interpret the densities of S-type asteroids. As to iron meteorites, their parent bodies must have formed following the segregation and solidification of metallic liquids (e.g., Goldstein et al., 2009). Such materials cannot preserve primitive micro-porosity.
The samples returned from the C-type rubble pile Ryugu exhibit higher micro-porosities than all carbonaceous chondrites (E. Nakamura et al., 2022; Yada et al., 2022). However, the identification of carbonaceous chondrites with relatively high micro-porosities (∼40%) suggests that at least a portion of meteorites with such micro-porosities can survive atmospheric entry and arrive more or less intact at the Earth's surface (the average micro-porosity of CI chondrite is ∼35%, and that of the ungrouped C chondrite, Tagish Lake, is ∼40%; e.g., Hildebrand et al., 2006; Consolmagno et al., 2008; Flynn et al., 2018). In contrast, the micro-porosities of ordinary chondrites and iron meteorites hardly exceed ∼20% (e.g., Consolmagno et al., 2008; Flynn et al., 2018). The lack of high micro-porosities in ordinary chondrites and iron meteorites implies that their parent bodies (S-type and M-type bodies) are unlikely to contain high micro-porosities as in the C-type bodies. In this study, we focus on macro-porosity. When we refer to “porosity,” we mean, by default, the void space between the boulders.
2.2 The Packing of Equally Sized Boulders
The packing of boulders is controlled by the forces that are applied to them. These forces include cohesive (e.g., van der Waals) forces between the boulders, the elastic forces between the boulders (the resistance to deformation), and the gravitational attraction from the rest of the asteroid. For small particles in environments of low gravity and low overburden, the cohesive and elastic forces dominate the force balance (Scheeres et al., 2010). In this case, the particles are gathered in loose, chain-like structures of high porosities. Hence, the porosities of regolith layers on small asteroids can be very high, perhaps greater than ∼0.8 (e.g., Kiuchi & Nakamura, 2014). With increasing gravity and particle sizes, the cohesive forces become less important. In an asteroid greater than one hundred kilometers in diameter (which is of primary interest in this study), the cohesive forces are negligibly small compared to the gravitational attraction within the asteroid if the boulders are a few decimeters in size (Scheeres et al., 2010). In the interior of such an asteroid, the pressure may be large enough to fracture boulders into smaller sizes. If the overburden is transmitted all the way to the smallest boulders, the elastic forces would far exceed the cohesive forces, although the gravitational forces in this case are not that large. In the absence of cohesive effects, the boulders must be packed in a jammed state with large enough numbers of contacts to keep the system in mechanical equilibrium (i.e., force balance). For equally sized spherical boulders, jammed random packing leads to porosities between ∼0.36 (dense random packing) and ∼0.45 (loose random packing), with the specific value depending on the state of shaking and the friction between boulders (e.g., G. D. Scott, 1960; Song et al., 2008; Silbert, 2010). Irregularly shaped boulders may have different porosities, but this effect is not large unless their shapes are extremely non-spherical (e.g., Herbst et al., 2021; Zou & Yu, 1996). The size polydispersity may substantially reduce the porosity. This effect is discussed next.
2.3 The Role of Boulder Size Distribution
a | Radius of an individual boulder |
s | Size (diameter) of an individual boulder |
smin | Minimum boulder size of the initial (uncompressed) assemblage |
smax | Maximum boulder size of the initial (uncompressed) assemblage |
si | Characteristic boulder size of the initial (uncompressed) assemblage |
sf | Critical boulder size in a compressed assemblage (boulders of this size may be strong enough to withstand compression) |
Π | Shape constant of boulders (π/6 for spheres) |
N(s) | Cumulative number of boulders with sizes greater than s |
n(s) | Boulder size distribution function, n(s) = −dN(s)/ds |
Σ(s) | Cumulative volume of boulders with sizes greater than s |
ΣSK | Total volume of boulders in the load-supporting skeleton |
ΣTOT | Total volume of all boulders in the assemblage |
α | Boulder size ratio, α = smin/smax |
αc | The critical boulder size ratio, describes the largest size variation of boulders that can occur in a same skeleton |
β | Power law exponent of the initial boulder size distribution |
βc | Transition value of the power law exponent, βc ≈ 2.5 |
ɛ | Void ratio (void-to-boulder volume ratio) of the assemblage |
ɛ0 | Void ratio of equally sized non-adhesive boulders |
ɛSK | Void ratio of the load-supporting skeleton |
φ | Porosity of the assemblage, φ = ɛ/(1 + ɛ) |
φ0 | Porosity of equally sized non-adhesive boulders, φ0 = ɛ0/(1 + ɛ0) ≈ 0.4 |
φSK | Porosity of the load-supporting skeleton, φSK = ɛSK/(1 + ɛSK) |
ϕ | Boulder volume fraction, ϕ = 1 − φ |
P | Pressure applied to the boulder assemblage |
ϵ | Force inhomogeneity factor in the boulder assemblage |
E′ | Effective Young's modulus |
Specific crack formation energy of a homogeneous brittle material, dominated by the creation of new surfaces (against surface tension) | |
Specific crack formation energy of a inhomogeneous brittle material, dominated by the opening of crack band (e.g., through friction between sliding grains) | |
Specific crack formation energy of a ductile material, dominated by the deformation in the plastic zone near the propagating crack tip | |
KB | Fracture toughness of a brittle material, |
KQ | Fracture toughness of a quasi-brittle material, |
KD | Fracture toughness of a ductile material, |
c | Crack (flaw) size |
ω | Power law exponent for the flaw size distribution |
w | Crack band width |
ℓ | Material inhomogeneity length scale |
L | Boulder-to-crack size ratio |
k | Geometry constant determined by the shape of cracks |
W | Crack width to material inhomogeneity size ratio, W = w/ℓ |
λ | A dimensionless coefficient, λ = WL/(2k) |
σeff(s) | Effective tensile strength of boulder of size s |
σ0 | Effective tensile strength of chondritic boulders in the small size limit |
σY | Ductile yield stress of metal |
σH | Indentation hardness of metal |
x | Radius of contact between boulders |
Z | Average number of contacts per boulder |
Pull-off force of adhesive boulders | |
Θ | Reduced pressure in an assemblage of adhesive boulders, |
ρs | Boulder density |
In what follows, we discuss how these two parameters affect porosities of assemblages.
In general, boulder size polydispersity affects porosity through two mechanisms (e.g., Yu et al., 1996). (a) The mixing mechanism: boulders of comparable sizes form a skeleton that is slightly different from that of equally sized ones (Figure 1a). This mechanism applies when there is little variation in boulder size. With this mechanism only, the porosity reduction is small. (b) The unmixing mechanism: boulders of very different sizes behave like independent components. The unmixing mechanism is dominant when boulder size variation is large, and the porosity reduction is potentially large. This mechanism can be further divided into two scenarios. (a) When the number of small boulders is small, they simply fit into the pore space of the skeleton supported by the large boulders, without filling it (Figure 1b). This scenario is hereafter referred to as undersaturated configuration. (b) When the number of small boulders is large, they replace the large boulders to form the load-supporting skeleton. The large boulders become separated from each other and embedded in the skeleton of small boulders. This scenario is hereafter referred to as oversaturated configuration. (A note on nomenclature: Here, we use the concept of saturation in a somewhat different way from its original meaning. In thermodynamics, saturation refers to a limit state, beyond which the system would be out of equilibrium. In this paper, saturation means inserting small boulders to fill the pores until no more boulders of similar sizes can be inserted, unless the spacing between the original large boulders is changed. Correspondingly, undersaturation means to fit the pores with small boulders without filling them, and oversaturation means to insert small boulders into the pore space beyond the point that the original large boulders are separated. These terms are not connected to the equilibrium and stability of the system.)
Now, we apply this simple picture to an assemblage of boulders following a truncated power law size distribution (Equation 1). The boulder size variation is described by the size ratio α = smin/smax. When αc(β) < α < 1 (where αc(β) is a critical size ratio i.e., considered for now as a function of the exponent β), only the mixing mechanism applies (Figure 1a). When α < αc(β), the unmixing mechanism would also apply. As can be seen from the size distribution function (Equation 1), smaller values of β lead to smaller fractions of small boulders, and greater values of β lead to larger fractions of small boulders. Hence, the undersaturated configuration applies for small β (Figure 1b), and the oversaturated configuration applies for large β (Figure 1c), as indicated by the inserts in the figure.
As the derivation explicitly involves the assumption of smin < smaxαc(β), the above equation applies only when the boulder size variation is large enough so that α = smin/smax < αc(β).
As the derivation explicitly involves the assumption of smin/αc(β) < smax, the above equation applies only when the boulder size variation is large enough, α = smin/smax < αc(β).
Since both Equation 10 and Equation 14 apply only when α < αc(β), the above expression also requires α < αc(βc). This expression is consistent with the scaling relation φ ∼ α1/2 given by the numerical simulations of Apollonian packings (e.g., Anishchik & Medvedev, 1995; Varrato & Foffi, 2011, see Appendix A1 for details). It is interesting to note that, the effective skeleton void ratio ɛSK(βc) is absent in Equation 15, which implies that the packing structure (loose vs. dense packing) of the skeleton does not affect the porosity of the assemblage. This is because the effect of the skeleton packing structure on the void fraction (indicated by the value of ɛSK(βc)) is offset by the effect of the maximum size variation of boulders in this skeleton (indicated by the value of αc(βc)). This can be illustrated, for example, under the framework of the undersaturated assemblage (Figure 1b). A looser structure of packing implies larger sizes of pores between boulders in the skeleton, which tends to increase the porosity. Meanwhile, as a result of the increased sizes of the pores, more boulders can fill interstitial space, which tends to reduce the porosity. These two effects happen to cancel each other. Mathematically, the latter effect (that more boulders would occur as interstitial ones) is reflected by an elevated value of αc(β) (i.e., the size ratio of the smallest and largest boulders that occur in a same skeleton), as required by the condition for Equations 10 and 14 to coincide at β = βc, that is, .
When the power law exponent β is large (or small), the boulder volume is dominated by boulders of the lower (or upper) end of the size distribution (for a power law distribution described by Equation 1, the total volume of boulders within a logarithmic size bin is proportional to s3−β). In this case, the boulder assemblage behaves similarly to a equally sized one, and the mode of packing (loose vs. dense packings) plays a dominant role. So far, we have considered both ɛSK and αc as functions of the mode of packing and the exponent β. In what follows, as a crude approximation, we neglect their variation with β. In Figure 2, we show some results of calculations from Equation 10 for β < 2.5 and Equation 14 for β > 2.5, as well as the relation φ = ɛ/(1 + ɛ), under the assumption of ɛSK = 0.56 for dense random packing (φSK = ɛSK/(1 + ɛSK) = 0.36) and ɛSK = 0.82 for loose random packing (φSK = ɛSK/(1 + ɛSK) = 0.45) of equal-size spheres. The critical boulder size ratios are taken as αc ≈ 0.13 and αc ≈ 0.20, respectively, as required by the condition for Equations 10 and 14 to coincide at the transition exponent β = βc ≈ 2.5, that is, . The results suggest that the porosity remains close to those in equally sized assemblages at large or small power law exponents (β ≲ 2 or β ≳ 4) regardless of the boulder size ratio α, while the porosity can be largely reduced at intermediate β values if the size ratio α is small. Also shown in Figure 2 for comparison are the predictions of the widely used linear-mixture model (Yu & Zou, 1998). At small or large β values (β ≲ 2 or β ≳ 4), our model matches the linear-mixture model. At intermediate β values (2 ≲ β ≲ 4), our model predicts lower porosities than the linear-mixture model. However, our model is more consistent with the results from simulations on Apollonian packings (see Figure A2 and discussion in Appendix A1) and the results of experimental and numerical investigations on the optimum packing that the minimum porosity occurs at β ≈ 2.5 (e.g., Fuller & Thompson, 1907; Huang, 1963; Oquendo-Patiño & Estrada, 2022; Suzuki et al., 1985), rather than at β ≈ 2.7 as predicted by the linear-mixture model. Therefore, the application of this model is appropriate in this context (also see discussion in Section 3.1), although we do not argue that it can in general replace the linear-mixture theory for problems such as the macro-porosities of small rubble-pile asteroids with low internal pressures (e.g., Grott et al., 2020; Herbst et al., 2021). A detailed comparison between the model described here and the linear-mixture model is provided in Supporting Information S1.
2.4 The Mono-Size Approximation
Laboratory experiments suggest that the sizes of impact fragments follow two-segment power law distributions, for s ∈ (si, smax) and for s ∈ (smin, si), in which si is the transition size, and β1 and β2 are exponents of the two segments (β1 > β2) (e.g., Davis & Ryan, 1990; Fujiwara et al., 1989). If the large-fragment segment is sufficiently steep (β1 ≳ 4) and the small-fragment segment is sufficiently shallow (β2 ≲ 2), the effect of size polydispersity on porosity is small (since the porosities of assemblages following truncated power law distributions with β ≳ 4 and β ≲ 2 are close to those of equally sized assemblages; Figure 2), and the population of boulders with greatest volume occurs around the transition size si (Figure 3b, solid curve). Recent studies on asteroid boulders suggest that their sizes follow the Weibull distribution, or similarly, the log-normal distribution (Grott et al., 2020; Herbst et al., 2021; Schröder et al., 2021). As an example, we consider a Weibull distribution, , where si is the characteristic size and ξw is a constant parameter (e.g., Grott et al., 2020; Schröder et al., 2021). If ξw is sufficiently large (e.g., ξw ≈ 0.6, as for crater ejecta boulders on Equation 4 Vesta; Schröder et al., 2021), most of the boulder volume occurs around the characteristic size si (as in two-segment power law distributions with β1 ≈ 5 and β2 ≈ 1.5; Figure 3b), and the effect of size polydispersity on porosity can be expected to be small. In these cases, the assemblage can be assumed to be comprised of boulders of a single size si, and the porosity is assumed to be φ0 = 40% (i.e., an intermediate value between the dense and loose random packings of equally sized cohesionless spheres).
Observations of asteroids show that boulder size distributions vary among rubble piles. The sizes of boulders on the Ryugu can be described by a Weibull distribution with ξw ≈ 0.1 or a log-normal distribution that fits the observed boulder sizes (Grott et al., 2020; Herbst et al., 2021). For boulders of sizes between ∼5 and ∼100 m, the distribution can be fitted by a power law with β ≈ 2.7 (Michikami et al., 2019). With this distribution, the boulder volume is distributed over a wide range of sizes (Figure 3d), and the macro-porosity of Ryugu is estimated to be ∼15% (Grott et al., 2020; Herbst et al., 2021). Nevertheless, this example may not represent rubble piles in general. The sizes of boulders on the likely rubble-pile asteroid, (4179) Toutatis, are fitted by a power law with β ≈ 4.4 (for sizes larger than ∼20 m, below which boulders cannot be well identified in the images taken by the flyby spacecraft; Jiang et al., 2015). With the distribution of the Toutatis boulders, the size polydispersity hardly affects the assemblage porosity (Figure 2). The densities of S-type asteroids (243) Ida and (433) Eros indicate macro-porosities of ∼20%–30% (e.g., Carry, 2012, as discussed in Section 2.1, the micro-porosities of S-type asteroid boulders are likely similar to ordinary chondrites and thus unlikely to affect the macro-porosity estimates). These results imply that the boulder size distribution varies among rubble piles, which is expected because the fragment size distribution depends on parameters such as collision velocity and projectile and target sizes as well as mechanical properties of the target (e.g., Ryan & Melosh, 1998) and thus varies among collisions.
As demonstrated by the discussion above, a narrow distribution leads to a clustering of boulder volume around the characteristic size si and a porosity close to that of a mono-sized assemblage, while a wide distribution leads to a spread over a wide range of sizes and a porosity that is much smaller than the mono-sized value (Figures 2 and 3). Since the role of size polydispersity varies among rubble piles and the purpose of this study is to examine the effect of pressure, we consider assemblages with narrow distributions (e.g., for two-segment power law distributions with β1 ≳ 4 and β2 ≲ 2 or for more continuous distributions with the transition from d ln N/d ln s ≲ −4 to d ln N/d ln s ≳ −2 occurring within one order of magnitude in size), for which the assemblage can be assumed to consist of boulders of a single size si, and the porosity can be assume to be ∼40% (when cohesion effects are absent). The characteristic size si is hereafter referred to as the initial boulder size (here we use the word “initial” because we consider the fracturing of boulders upon compression, which leads to the creation of boulders of smaller sizes, in the following section).
Although we focus on assemblages with narrow size distributions, we discuss in this paragraph how those with wide size distributions can be treated, for the sake of completeness. If the distribution is shallow for small boulders and steep for large boulders (as is the case for a Weibull distribution), we can define a characteristic si for the skeleton-forming boulders, such that boulders smaller than this size scale fit into the pores without filling them (like the gray ones in Figure 1b) while boulders larger than this size scale are separated from each other (like the white ones in Figure 1b). This characteristic size si corresponds to the size of the “controlling component” in the linear-mixture model (e.g., Yu & Zou, 1998). As the transition power law distribution between the configurations of Figures 1b and 1c occurs as the Apollonian packing with β ≈ 2.5, we suggest that si corresponds to the size at which d ln N/d ln s ≈ −2.5. Since the large boulders (with s > si) contribute to the solid volume but not the pore volume, they are inactive during compaction (i.e., collapse of pore space). In the active part of the assemblages (i.e., for boulders with s ≲ si), the load is supported by those with sizes around si. In a brittle boulder assemblage, compaction occurs through boulder fracturing, which creates small fragments to fill the pores between residual large ones (see Section 3). The originally small boulders play a similar role as the newly created small fragments. In Section 3, we suggest that brittle compaction leads to a power law size distribution between a critical size sf and the initial size si, and the pore space can be accordingly estimated for boulders with s ∈ (si, sf). Then, by subtracting the volume of boulders with s < sf from the estimated pore space and adding the volume of boulders with s > si to the boulder volume, the porosity can be finally calculated. From this description, it is clear that the role of a wide size distribution is always to reduce the porosity, even after compaction occurs. The predictions of our model for initially mono-sized assemblages represent upper bounds of the porosities that rubble-pile bodies can preserve.
2.5 Summary and Remarks
The porosity of a boulder assemblage can be separated into the contributions of micro-porosity (voids and cracks inside the boulders) and macro-porosity (void space between the boulders). Here, we focus on macro-porosity and do not attempt to evaluate the variation of micro-porosity. Throughout this paper, we use “porosity” to represent macro-porosity.
The packing of boulders is affected by several factors. The cohesive effects may lead to chain-like structures and very high porosities in fine-particle regolith (and perhaps also in assemblages of meter-sized metal boulders, see discussion in Section 4.3). For silicate and chondritic boulders of decimeter or larger sizes on hundred-kilometer-diameter asteroids, the role of cohesive forces is likely to be small (e.g., Scheeres et al., 2010). For cohesionless equally sized spherical boulders, the porosity lies between ∼0.36 for dense random packing and ∼0.45 for loose random packing, depending on the state of shaking and the friction between the boulders (e.g., G. D. Scott, 1960; Song et al., 2008). The role of boulder shape is likely to be small unless their shapes are extreme (e.g., Zou & Yu, 1996).
The boulder size polydispersity may substantially reduce the porosity of an assemblage. A simple model is developed for boulders following the truncated power law size distribution (Equation 1), which is usually assumed for rubble-pile boulders (e.g., Hartmann, 1969; Michikami & Hagermann, 2021). The results (Figure 2) suggest that the porosities are close to those in equally sized assemblages at large or small power law exponents (β ≲ 2 or β ≳ 4) regardless of the boulder size ratio (α = smin/smax), while the porosities could be largely reduced at intermediate exponents (especially at β ≈ 2.5) if the size ratio α is small. This model is also applied as a part of the brittle compaction model in the following section.
Although Itokawa and Ryugu exhibit wide boulder size distributions (with β ≈ 3.1 and β ≈ 2.7 in the power law fit), this may not be the case for all asteroids. Toutatis, for example, exhibits a boulder size distribution of β ≈ 4.4. With β ≳ 4, most of boulder volume occurs around the minimum size of the steep power law size distribution, and the effect of the size polydispersity on porosity is small (Figure 2). Two-segment distributions have been observed in laboratory experiments (e.g., Davis & Ryan, 1990; Fujiwara et al., 1989). If the power law exponent of the steep segment is large and that of the shallow segment is small (β1 ≳ 4 and β2 ≲ 2), most of boulder volume occurs around the transition size between the two segments, and the porosity is likely close to that of a mono-sized assemblage (Figure 2). In the following sections, we consider assemblages that are comprised of effectively equally sized boulders, with a porosity of ∼40%. The boulder size is characterized by a value si, which is referred to as the initial size in the following text.
3 Compaction of Silicate and Chondritic Boulders
3.1 The Compaction Caused by Fracturing of Brittle Boulders
3.2 Size Effect on Strength of Meteoritic Materials
This size effect law is widely used to describe the strength of homogeneous brittle materials and invoked in brittle compaction models to explain compression experiments on assemblages of single crystals (such as sands and granular water ice discussed in Appendix A2). Housen and Holsapple (1999) combined observations of flaw sizes in terrestrial rocks, from millimeter-size cracks in laboratory samples to ten-km faults and fractures in the field, and suggested that ω ≈ 3 applies for rocks all these scales. A recent study on meteorite samples suggests similar distribution exponents could apply for most types of meteorites (Bryson et al., 2018). If the meteorite strength follows Equation 21 with ω ≈ 3, the size effect should be readily observed in laboratory tests: If the sample size is increased by a factor of four, the strength is expected to decrease by a factor of two. In the results of meteorite strength tests, the size effect appears to be much weaker or even absent (e.g., Pohl & Britt, 2020, also see Figure 4), but this is probably because such measurements are scarce and limited to millimeter- to centimeter-sized samples (see next paragraph for details).
In the theory of Bažant (1984), the crack band length c is assumed to be proportional to the sample size s. In notched concretes, the cracks can be set explicitly to be proportional to the sample sizes. In reinforced concretes, the cracks are thought to grow stably until they reach a specific portion of the sample sizes (e.g., Bažant, 1984). It is thus not surprising that the relation Equation 23 matches experiments of notched and/or reinforced concretes (e.g., Bažant et al., 1994, and references therein), as well as other notched inhomogeneous materials such as granites (for which ℓ is taken as the typical grain-size; e.g., C. Zhang et al., 2018). Interestingly, Equation 23 also describes the strengths of unnotched and unreinforced concretes in several types of tests, such as double-punching tests on cylindrical samples (e.g., Bažant et al., 1994; Marti, 1989), probably because the maximum lengths of pre-existing cracks (or crack bands) in the unnotched plain concretes are also approximately proportional to the sample sizes, as would be the case for rocks with ω ≈ 3 (see Equation 20 and recall that ω ≈ 3 holds widely for terrestrial and meteoritic rocks; e.g., Bryson et al., 2018; Housen & Holsapple, 1999). If this argument applies, we expect that Equation 23 can also be used to scale the strength of rubble-pile boulders from those of analogous meteorites. Applying this size dependence, we suggest that meteorite strength measurements do not reveal a clear size-strength relationship because they are limited to small (up to centimeter-sized) samples and the measured strength represents the strength σ0 in the small sample limit.
3.3 Compaction of Rubble-Pile Asteroids
Apparently, Equation 24 applies for P < σ0/ϵ only. According to Equation 23, the strength becomes size-independent and stays at a saturation level σ0 in the limit of small samples; if the tensile stress externally applied to a boulder exceeds this saturation level, the boulder could not survive the compression no matter how small it is. When the pressure is greater than σ0/ϵ, the resulting comminution would follow the Sammis et al. (1987) model, in which fracture probability depends on the number of nearest neighbors but not on the boulder size. In this case, the boulder sizes are expected to follow a power law distribution with sf → 0 (Sammis et al., 1987), which would lead to essentially zero porosity if Equation 16 applies. This is not strictly true because Equation 23 applies for fracturing through the failure of the bonding of the constituent particles rather than fracture of the particles themselves. Hence, Equation 23 must become invalid for samples as small as individual constituent particles of the material (i.e., when s is comparable to ℓ). Taking into account the variation in fracture mechanism around s ≈ ℓ may avoid the embarrassing predictions of negative boulder sizes made by Equation 24 at pressures greater than σ0/ϵ. However, this would not affect the prediction that fragment pieces as small as s ≈ ℓ are produced at P ≈ σ0/ϵ. If the material inhomogeneity scale ℓ is much smaller than the initial boulder size si, the difference between s ≈ ℓ and s → 0 would be small. If we consider boulders with initial sizes around one m (si ≈ 1 m) and material inhomogeneities on scales of chondrules (ℓ ≈ 10−3 m), a critical boulder size of sf ≈ ℓ would lead to a porosity of (Equation 16), which is close to zero. Here, we simply assume sf ≈ 0 (and φ ≈ 0) for P ≳ σ0/ϵ. This approximation becomes less valid with decreasing values of the initial boulder size si. Therefore, although we apply this approximation for all si values, caution must be taken when the discussion involves small initial boulder sizes.
Tensile strength tests have been performed on several types of meteorites (Pohl & Britt, 2020, and references therein) and the results are summarized in Figure 4a. These measurements were performed on small samples (millimeters to centimeters), so the reported values can be considered as the strength of the small sample limit, σ0. Carbonaceous (C, CI, and CM) chondrites are relatively weak, with σ0 between ∼1 and ∼10 MPa; ordinary (H, L, and LL) chondrites exhibit greater strength but also with large variations, from a few to tens of megapascals. The low strength values of carbonaceous chondrites are probably caused by the porous structure of the carbonaceous materials (i.e., large micro-porosities that occur as micro-cracks and voids between mineral grains inside the boulders).
The results of size scale effect, especially that on tensile strength, are scarce. To our knowledge, only the measurements on Tsarev (a L5 ordinary chondrite) performed by Zotkin et al. (1987) cover a considerable range of size (Pohl & Britt, 2020). The results exhibit a weak size dependence but may fit Equation 23 with σ0 = 60 MPa and λℓ = 0.04 m (Figure 4b). This value of λℓ could be explained if we take the scale of material inhomogeneity as the typical size of chondrules, ℓ ≈ 10−3 m, and the dimensionless coefficient λ as a typical value that is reported from experiments on concretes, λ ≈ 40 (e.g., Bažant et al., 1994; Marti, 1989). The ratio of the crack band width and the material inhomogeneity size is typically W = w/ℓ ≈ 4 (Bažant, 1984); for penny-shaped cracks, the geometry factor is k = 2/π (Sack, 1946; Sneddon, 1946); this implies a characteristic boulder-to-crack size ratio of L = 2kλ/W ≈ 10. With the expression of σ0 = KQ(2/w)1/2 (as derived in the discussion following Equation 23) and the assumption of w ≈ 0.004 m, a small-sample-limit strength σ0 ≈ 60 MPa implies a fracture toughness of , which is close to the upper limit of terrestrial igneous rocks (e.g., Balme et al., 2004). This comparison implies that the material strength of strong ordinary chondrites is comparable to that of strong terrestrial rocks (since Tsarev is among the strongest chondritic meteorites). In the following text, we assume that σ0 is in the range of ∼1–50 MPa and λℓ is approximately ∼0.04 m.
A few examples of calculations using Equation 25 are shown in Figure 5. These results suggest that, depending on the choice of parameters, compaction is likely to be significant under pressures of several to 10 MPa, which can typically be reached in relatively large asteroids (i.e., with diameters greater than ∼100 km). We do note that, due to the lack of experimental data, the estimates of strength of large boulders would be associated with large uncertainties. However, the extrapolated low strength of large boulders is consistent with the low strength of meteoroids inferred from their breakup during atmospheric entry (Popova et al., 2011). Moreover, we can at least argue that the critical boulder size sf is as small as the laboratory test-pieces (millimeter to centimeter sizes) when the pressure reaches P ≈ σ0/ϵ. If the initial boulder size is much greater than the laboratory-tested meteorite samples, then the conclusion that compaction would be almost “complete” at the pressure of P ≈ σ0/ϵ is likely to hold, regardless of the specific assumptions of the size scale effect.
3.4 Summary and Remarks
Silicate and chondritic materials are brittle at present asteroid temperatures. In a chondritic rubble pile, compaction occurs through boulder fracturing, which creates small pieces to fill the pores between the residual large ones. Boulder fracturing caused by external compression is usually considered to result in a truncated power law size distribution between the initial boulder size si and the critical boulder size sf (which is smaller than si), with an exponent close to the transition value β ≈ βc ≈ 2.5 (e.g., McDowell & Daniell, 2001; Sammis et al., 1987). The porosity can be expressed using Equation 16, as discussed in Section 2.3. In general, smaller boulders are statistically stronger than larger ones because they are less likely to contain large cracks. An assemblage is stable when the skeleton-forming boulders are small enough to withstand compressive loading, so the critical size sf can be estimated using Equation 17 (e.g., McDowell, 2005; Tsoungui et al., 1999). Equations 16 and 17 form the basic framework of the brittle compaction model, and some experimental observations that may validate this framework are discussed in Appendix A2.
A critical part of this model is the size dependence of boulder strength. The widely used Weibull-type size effect law is not supported by strength measurements of meteorite samples (e.g., Pohl & Britt, 2020). This is probably because the cracks in inhomogeneous materials (such as chondrites) are blunted and should be described by the model of Bažant (1984), which was proposed to explain similar discrepancies between the Weibull theory and experimental results of concretes. The size scale effect is therefore assumed to follow Equation 23, which explains the weak size dependence at laboratory-scale samples but predicts notable size dependence at larger scales. Although this extrapolation is yet to be tested against experimental data, it is perhaps consistent with the low strength of meteoroids, which is inferred from their breakup during atmospheric entry (e.g., Popova et al., 2011). Moreover, even though the estimates on strength of large boulders are associated with large uncertainties, it seems clear that the critical boulder size sf would be as small as the laboratory test-pieces (millimeter to centimeter sizes) when the pressure reaches P ≈ σ0/ϵ (in which σ0 is the tensile strength of small meteorite samples and ϵ is the constant of force inhomogeneity), regardless of the assumptions of the size scale effect. Therefore, we assume with some confidence that, if the initial boulder size is much greater than the laboratory-tested meteorite samples, the compaction is likely to be almost “complete” at the pressure of P ≈ σ0/ϵ. Assuming the Bažant-type size dependence (Equation 23), the porosity is calculated using Equation 25. With reasonable values of involved parameters (e.g., ϵ = 3, λℓ = 0.04 m, σ0 on the order of a few to tens of megapascals, depending on the considered material, and si of one to one hundred meters), the results (Figure 5) suggest that compaction is likely to be significant, or perhaps even “complete,” when the pressure reaches a few megapascals, the typical pressure in the interior of hundred-kilometer-diameter asteroids. (Again, we note that “porosity” here refers to macro-porosity excluding micro-porosity. Although the equations here may imply that the compaction is “complete,” our model does not suggest that the voids are completely removed because micro-pores may be present inside the boulders.)
4 Compaction of Metal Boulders
Metals are different from silicate or chondritic materials in the following aspects: (a) meteoritic iron exhibits ductile rheology under low strain rate conditions, perhaps even at temperatures as low as ∼100 K (e.g., Gordon, 1970). When the deviatoric stress exceeds a critical value, the material undergoes plastic deformation. (b) Metal surfaces, if not covered by oxide layers, can be cold-welded together (e.g., Anderson, 1960; Merstallinger et al., 2009). If clean metal surfaces are pushed together, they could be adhered together because metallic bonds can be formed between atoms on different sides of the interfaces. In what follows, we discuss how these properties affect the compaction of metal boulder assemblages.
4.1 The Role of Ductile Yielding
The densification of metal particles has been extensively investigated, both theoretically and experimentally, by the community of powder metallurgy (e.g., Fischmeister, 1982; Hewitt et al., 1974). Under low temperature conditions, particle deformation occurs mainly through ductile yielding. Unlike brittle fracture, the criteria of ductile yielding (in terms of stress distribution) is independent of size scale effects. Hence, when discussing the role of ductile yielding, the results for fine-particle powders may also be applicable for piles of large metal boulders. Theoretical and experimental results suggest that, for metal powders, cold densification is rather small when pressure is small compared to the yield stress of the material, even though yielding may already occur around the contacts between particles (e.g., Fischmeister, 1982; Hewitt et al., 1974). In general, the interior pressure in a M-type asteroid is much smaller than the yield stress of typical meteoritic iron (see below for details), so the role of ductile yielding is likely to be minor. In what follows, we also demonstrate this through a simple but quantitative model.
The temperature of the largest M-type asteroid, Psyche, is around ∼150 K (Bierson et al., 2022). For a metallic body around the size of Psyche, a disruptive collision may lead to a global temperature increase of ∼150 K (Keil et al., 1997). At temperatures of ∼300 K, the yield stresses of iron meteorites (such as Canyon Diablo, Gibeon, Odessa, and Sikhote Alin) are typically are typically ∼150–400 MPa (e.g., Slyuta, 2013). In assemblages of non-adhesive spheres, Z ∈ (4, 6) (e.g., Silbert, 2010; Song et al., 2008). In the largest M-type asteroid, Psyche, the central pressure is ∼20 MPa, and half of the mass is situated in regions of pressures less than ∼10 MPa. In this case, the porosity reduction caused by the ductile yielding of the iron boulders is at most a few percent (e.g., with Z = 4, σY = 200 MPa, and at the pressure of P = 10 MPa, the porosity reduction caused by ductile yielding is (2/Z) (P/σY) ≈ 0.03; since the calculation suggests that the densification is small, the assumptions of small deformation used in the derivation are validated a posteriori). Hence, we suggest that the densification caused by ductile yielding is likely to be small, at least in asteroids up to the size of Psyche (which is the largest M-type asteroid in the asteroid belt).
4.2 The Role of Boulder Fracturing
Metals (ductile materials) may also develop brittle-like fractures. This phenomenon became well known after catastrophic failures, leading to, for example, the loss of over two hundred Liberty ships during World War II (e.g., Irwin, 1957; Marder & Fineberg, 1996). The failure of metals depends on their sizes. Large ship-plates may fracture before general yielding, with fracture surfaces of brittle cleavage facets, but small test-pieces cut from the fractured ship-plates only break with fibrous appearances after yielding. This effect can be explained as follows. In a ductile material, a crack needs to open by a critical amount through plastic deformation before it can extend, and this opening needs to be accommodated by a plastic zone. If a sample is small and the plastic zone traverses through it before the critical opening is reached, it breaks ductilely after general yielding. If a sample is much larger than the plastic zone and the critical opening can be easily reached, it breaks in a brittle manner without yielding outside the plastic zone (e.g., Irwin, 1957; Knott, 1973; Orowan, 1954). The particles that are of interest to powder metallurgy (up to millimeter sizes) are smaller than the size of the plastic zone around propagating crack tips (see below for details), so they behave in purely ductile manners. However, because boulders in rubble-pile asteroids are presumably much larger than powder particles, brittle-like failure is probably present.
As discussed in Section 3.3, this estimate is valid only if fracturing is significant such that the calculated porosity is smaller than the porosity of equally sized boulders. Assuming penny-shaped cracks, we take a geometry constant of k = 2/π (Sack, 1946; Sneddon, 1946). Assuming a fracture toughness of (Ashby, 1989), a force inhomogeneity factor of ϵ = 3 (Appendix A2) and a boulder-to-crack size ratio of L = 10 (see below for discussion), we find that Equation 35 predicts φ ≳ 0.5 at the pressure of ∼10 MPa if the initial boulder size is si ≲ 1 km. This calculation indicates that role of brittle-like fracturing is likely minor in metallic rubble piles unless the boulders are kilometer-sized. We also note that the assumption on the boulder-to-crack size ratio (L = 10) is crude. Although this value is inferred from the strength of ordinary chondrites (see Section 3.3 for details), it is probably not appropriate for metals. As metals may undergo stress release through plastic deformation, the formation of large cracks may be prohibited. Moreover, existing cracks may also be partly annealed, even at low temperatures, through cold welding. Hence, the above calculation may to some extent overestimate the role of brittle-like fracturing, although it already implies that this failure mechanism is likely to only be of minor importance.
4.3 The Potential Role of Cold Welding
This compaction occurs through the rearrangement of the boulders and is an irreversible process; once an assemblage is compacted, it would not return to the unconsolidated structure even if the load is removed. Thus, the pressure here corresponds to the maximum value that the assemblage has ever experienced. Specifically, in the deep part of a rubble pile, where the static overburden is large, the maximum pressure corresponds to the hydrostatic pressure; in the shallow part, where the static overburden is small, the maximum pressure likely corresponds to the pressure caused by the kinetic energy the fragments during their landing onto the body in the re-accretion process (see Z. Zhang et al., 2022, for details).
Assuming that the collision is fully plastic, the radius of the collision-created contact can be estimated as (Appendix B2). Equating this collision-created contact radius and the critical contact radius given by Equation 39, we obtain a maximum collision velocity for sticking between boulders. Assuming a fracture toughness of , a yield stress of σY = 200 MPa, and a boulder diameter of s = 2 m, we obtain a sticking velocity of uA ≈ 0.3 m/s, which is much smaller than the escape velocities of hundred-kilometer-sized asteroids (e.g., ∼160 m/s for Psyche). The implies that sticking does not occur upon the initial landing of the boulders to the accreting rubble pile (at velocities around the body's escape velocity); but rather, it occurs after the kinetic energy is mostly dissipated (after a few cycles of rebounding).
Calculations are performed using Equation 42, assuming fracture toughness KD values between 100 and 200 MPa ⋅ m1/2 (e.g., Ashby, 1989), yield stress σY values between 200 and 300 MPa (e.g., Slyuta, 2013), and characteristic boulder sizes between 1 and 5 m (Figure 6). The results suggest that (a) the cold welding between meter-sized metal boulders may substantially increase the porosity, especially at relatively low pressures (e.g., several megapascals) and (b) the role of cold welding decreases with increasing boulder size and is likely to be minor if the boulders are greater than ∼5 m in diameter.
The results of calculations assuming the Glenn-Chudnovsky size (the dashed green curves in Figure 6) suggest that the cold welding between metal boulders may notably increase the porosities of their assemblages under pressures that can be reached in metallic rubble piles.
4.4 Summary and Remarks
Metals exhibit different properties from silicates: (a) meteoritic irons are ductile (more accurately, undergo elastic deformation at relatively low stress levels and plastic deformation when the deviatoric stress reaches the yield value) even at current temperatures of asteroids and (b) clean metal surfaces can be cold-welded together when they are in contact. In asteroid bodies that are up to the size of Psyche (the largest M-type body), the pressure is small compared with the yield stress of meteoritic iron. Under these pressures, ductile yielding occurs only in regions around the contacts between the boulders, and it plays very minor role in affecting the porosity. Meter-sized metal boulders may stick together through cold contact welding after low-velocity collisions (of a few meters per second). The cold-welded interfaces are as strong as the bulk material, and the assemblages of cold-welded boulders are considered here as cohesive assemblages. This effect may notably increase the porosity of the assemblage (from ∼40% for non-welded cohesionless boulders to ≳60% for cold welded ones), especially at pressures up to a few megapascals (Figure 6).
Metals may also develop brittle-like fractures. When brittle-like failure occurs, plastic deformation is concentrated in small zones near the tips of extending cracks, and the effective strength can be lower than the material yield stress. This type of failure is possible only in samples that are much larger than the plastic deformation zone, and the role of such fracturing is likely to be small in asteroids unless the fragment boulders are kilometer-sized.
5 Conclusions
The asteroid belt is a remnant of planetary formation processes, and it has been modified continuously in the following ∼4.5 billion years through collisional evolution. Many asteroids are likely to be have been shattered into fragments and exist as gravitationally-bound rubble piles. Rubble-pile asteroids may be expected to exhibit large porosities (∼40%), but this may be complicated by compaction under self-gravitation of the asteroids. A compilation of mass and volume estimates of asteroids implies a negative correlation between size and porosity for stony and carbonaceous asteroids (Carry, 2012). The density estimates of large M-type asteroids, such as Psyche and Kleopatra, indicate that these bodies contain large porosities (e.g., ∼50% if they are purely metallic) compared with asteroids of other types but similar sizes (e.g., Elkins-Tanton et al., 2020; Marchis et al., 2021). To understand these observations, models for cold compaction of asteroid boulders (with different materials for asteroids of different types) need to be developed.
We focus on the estimate of macro-porosity (i.e., void space between the boulders, rather than micro-cracks and voids inside the boulders). In the absence of compressive loading, the porosities of assemblages of equally sized non-adhesive boulders are typically ∼40%. A simple model is developed in Section 2.3 to estimate the effect of boulder size polydispersity, under the assumption that the boulders follow a truncated power law distribution. Although the porosity can be greatly reduced at intermediate power law exponents, it remains around the equally sized value at small and large power law exponents (see Figure 2). For simplicity, we focus on effectively equally sized boulder assemblages to investigate the effect of pressure.
Silicate and chondritic materials are brittle at present asteroid temperatures. In assemblages of this type of boulders, compaction occurs through boulder fracturing, which creates small boulders to fill the pores between the residual large ones. A general framework for brittle boulder compaction is developed (Equations 16 and 17), and the size scale dependence of the boulder strength is described using the model of Bažant (1984) (Equation 23). An expression for compaction of chondritic boulders is derived from these relations and is given in Equation 25. The results suggest that compaction can be significant at pressures of a few megapascals, which can be reached in hundred-kilometer-diameter asteroids (Figure 5).
Metals exhibit different properties from silicates: (a) meteoritic irons are ductile even at current temperatures of asteroids and (b) clean metal surfaces can be cold-welded together when they are in contact. In asteroid bodies up to the size of Psyche (the largest M-type body), the pressure is much smaller than the yield stress of meteoritic iron, and ductile yielding plays a very minor role in affecting the porosity. Meter-sized metal boulders may be cold-welded and stick with each other through contacts created by low-velocity collisions. This adhesion mechanism may significantly increase the porosity of an assemblage of metal boulders. Metals may also develop brittle-like fractures, if the boulders are sufficiently large to contain large cracks. Models are developed to examine the effects of cold welding and brittle-like fracturing. The model results suggest that (a) the porosity may be increased (to ≳60%) by cold welding of the metal boulders at relatively low pressures, and (b) brittle-like fracturing is unlikely to cause significant compaction of metal boulders at typical pressures in asteroid Psyche, unless the boulders are of kilometer sizes.
The authors thank Wladimir Neumann, Francis Nimmo, William Herbst, Laurent Montési (the editor), an anonymous reviewer, and an anonymous associate editor for their thoughtful comments. This work was supported by the NASA Discovery Mission grant NNM16AA09C, “Psyche: Journey to a Metal World” awarded to Arizona State University.
Appendix A: Comparison With Previous Results
A1 The Random Apollonian Packings
Substituting Equation A10 into Equation A13, one would find that the value given by Equation A13 is identical to the φVF value given by Equation A3. Hence, the primed VF distribution (Equations A8-A11; the dashed curves in Figure A2) can be considered as an effective truncated power law distribution for the VF distribution (Equations A1, A4, and A5; the solid curves in Figure A2). Substituting Equation A10 into Equation A12, one would find that the ΣVF(s) value given by Equation A5 for s ∈ (smin, smax) is identical to the value given by Equation A12 (i.e., the solid and dashed curves coincide with each other for s ∈ (smin, smax) in Figure A2b). This reveals the reason why the primed VF distribution leads to the same porosity as the less idealized VF distribution. The two distributions lead to the same value of ΣSK(S)/ΣTOT (which determines the value of porosity, at least for the oversaturated assemblage, in which Equation 11 of the main text applies). To introduce this effective truncated power law distribution is also helpful in the following discussion on the results of brittle compaction experiments.
A2 The Sand Compaction Experiments
The brittle compaction model is based on two assumptions: (a) Under compression, the boulder sizes evolve into a truncated power law size distribution (with β ≈ βc ≈ 2.5) between a characteristic initial boulder size si and the critical boulder size sf; (b) the boulders of the critical size sf have an average effective strength that is proportional to the external stress. These two assumptions lead to the basic framework of the brittle compaction model, Equations 16 and 17 (i.e., and σeff(sf) = Pϵ).
Then, we examine how well this model prediction (Equation A17) explains the results of sand compaction experiments. A similar examination has been performed by de Bono and McDowell (2018). The previous study focused on explaining the slope of the log φ-log σV plot. Here, we also examine the effect of initial particle size si and the post-compression particle size distribution, and compare our results to several experimental studies (Figure A3). The parameters for the size effect on particle strength (ω′ and σref) are obtained by fitting experimental data for individual particle strength (Figure A3, left column).
A challenge for the model is that the size distributions of the Xiao et al. (2020) experiments (Figure A3i circles) do not follow truncated power laws with β ≈ 2.5 (Figure A3i dashed curves) as assumed in the compaction model, but rather follow those with β ≈ 3 (Figure A3i dotted curves). A possible explanation for this discrepancy is that the distributions are modified by shear deformation associated with the one-dimensional (rather than isotropic) compression. Although the assumption that large particles must be surrounded by smaller ones typically leads to power law distributions with β ≈ 2.5 (Sammis et al., 1987), the increase in shear strain may make the distribution evolve toward a power law with β ≈ 3 (Sammis & King, 2007). In an experiment of Nakata et al. (2001), for example, the porosity changes from ∼0.4 to ∼0.2 (Figure A3b, blue circles); the assemblage volume changes from ∼ΣTOT/0.6 to ∼ΣTOT/0.8 (where ΣTOT is the volume of boulders), with a vertical strain of ∼0.25 (in one-dimensional compression, volumetric change occurs entirely through vertical strain). In an experiment of Xiao et al. (2020), for example, the porosity changes from ∼0.5 to less than ∼0.1 (i.e., boulder fraction changes from ∼0.5 to over ∼0.9; Figure A3h, blue circles); the total volume of the assemblage changes from ∼ΣTOT/0.5 to less than ∼ΣTOT/0.9, with a vertical strain of ∼0.45. According to the simulations of Abe and Mair (2005), a shear strain of ∼0.4 could be sufficient to increase the exponent to β ≈ 3. As the experiments of Xiao et al. (2020) involved greater vertical (and thus shear) strains, they presumably also involved greater modification of the distribution exponent β (Sammis & King, 2007). If the shear deformation modifies the particle size distributions but does not induce further compaction (i.e., does not change the porosity), then we can also explain why the slope of the log φ-log σV curve is still well approximated by −0.5/ω′ (which is a prediction i.e., made under the assumption of β ≈ 2.5). In isotropic compression (without shear strain), the exponent likely stays around β ≈ 2.5, as suggested by theoretical models that do not include shear deformation (e.g., McDowell et al., 1996; Sammis et al., 1987).
Finally, we consider the constant of force inhomogeneity, ϵV. Considering both the compression curve and the particle size distribution, we find that the results of Nakata et al. (2001), McDowell (2002), and Altuhafi and Coop (2011) can be explained by ϵV = 8.5 (Figures A3b and A3e), while the results of Xiao et al. (2020) can be explained by ϵV = 3.5 (Figure A3h). These results are for one-dimensional compression, and the value for isotropic compression, ϵ, may be slightly smaller than ϵV (in the case of isotropic compression, the contrast in forces applied to the same particle from different directions to is likely to be smaller). In this study, as a conservative estimate, we assume ϵ = 3 for isotropic compression.
Cold compression experiments have also been performed for granular water ice assemblages at low temperatures (under which water ice exhibits brittle rheology) by Durham et al. (2005). Measurements of individual particle strength and post-compression grain size distribution were not performed, so an examination of microstructure as provided above is not possible. Their data suggest a power law relation between porosity φ and pressure P, or equivalently a linear relation between log φ and log P as demonstrated by the data re-analysis performed by Yasui and Arakawa (2009), which is consistent with our model prediction if the strength of single crystal ice particles follows the Weibull-type size effect.
A3 The Compression of Adhesive Particles
In this Appendix, we describe how we use experimental results on compression of adhesive particles to estimate the relation between reduced pressure Θ and porosity φ. Here, we collect the results on compression experiments performed by Yasui and Arakawa (2009), Güttler et al. (2009), Omura and Nakamura (2017), and Than et al. (2020). The experimental results are typically reported as effectively continuous pressure-porosity (P-φ) curves. Here, for the sake of convenience and feasibility, we collect around 10 points from each curve to characterize their results. The pressure data are converted to the reduced pressure using Equation 36 (i.e., , in which s is the diameter and a is the radius of the particles, and is the pull-off force). The particle diameters are available from the aforementioned papers, and the pull-off forces are estimated as follows.
The results are summarized in Figure A4. The data of dry silica beads from Güttler et al. (2009) and Omura and Nakamura (2017) and these of wet glass beads from Than et al. (2020) exhibit striking similarity around the transition values of , when it is between ∼0.3 and ∼30. This is quite remarkable, since the diameters of silica beads used by Güttler et al. (2009) and Omura and Nakamura (2017) are respectively 1.5 and 1.8 μm, while that of the glass beads used by Than et al. (2020) is 100 μm; accounting for the difference between dry and wet particles (between Equations A19 and A20), the difference in adhesion strength is still greater than one order of magnitude. These data can be fitted by Equation 38 (the black curve in Figure A4). The results of other experiments are somewhat scattered. The alumina particles exhibit greater resistance to compaction, probably because their irregular shapes lead to extra difficultly for particle rearrangement, which is required for compaction (Omura & Nakamura, 2017). The porosities of glass beads exhibit a rather low sensitivity to the variation in pressure, probably due to the low initial porosity caused by the relative large particle size (18 μm) and low effective surface energy of the glass beads (which leads to a relatively low ratio of the adhesive force and the gravitational force). The silica beads in the experiments of Yasui and Arakawa (2009) undergo porosity reduction at larger pressures than those in the experiments of Güttler et al. (2009) and Omura and Nakamura (2017), in terms of both the absolute value and the reduced value, but with a similar slope between φ and ln Θ. The reason of this discrepancy is not clear. A possible origin is the difference in surface “cleanliness” of the particles they used, which can lead a difference effective in the surface energy and thus the adhesion strength. Kiuchi and Nakamura (2014) invoked a difference by a factor of ∼2 in the effective surface energy (i.e., the adhesion force over particle size ratio) between silica particles used by Blum and Schräpler (2004) and Teiser et al. (2011) to discuss the relation between particle size and porosity. A difference in the effective surface energy (pull-off force over particle size ratio) by a factor of ∼5 would suffice to explain the discrepancy between the results of Yasui and Arakawa (2009) and those of Güttler et al. (2009) and Omura and Nakamura (2017).
Appendix B: Contacts Between Colliding Metal Boulders
B1 Hertzian Elastic Contact
B2 Elastic and Plastic Collisions
Open Research
Data Availability Statement
The scripts that we used to perform calculations are available in Z. Zhang (2022).