Supersaturation in the Wake of a Precipitating Hydrometeor and Its Impact on Aerosol Activation
The activation of aerosols impacts the life cycle of a cloud. A detailed understanding is necessary for reliable climate prediction. Recent laboratory experiments demonstrate that aerosols can be activated in the wake of precipitating hydrometeors. However, many quantitative aspects of this wake-induced activation of aerosols remain unclear. Here, we report a detailed numerical investigation of the activation potential of wake-induced supersaturation. By Lagrangian tracking of aerosols, we show that a significant fraction of aerosols are activated in the supersaturated wake. These “lucky aerosols” are entrained in the wake's vortices and reside in the supersaturated environment sufficiently long to be activated. Our analyses show that this wake-induced activation of aerosols can contribute to the life cycle of the clouds.
Key Points
- This study shows how hydrometeor wake-induced supersaturation in clouds activates aerosols as cloud condensation nuclei
- The parameter space for wake-induced supersaturation behind precipitating spherical hydrometeors is detailed
- It is described how lucky aerosols are activated in such supersaturated wake of the precipitating hydrometeors
Plain Language Summary
We numerically investigate how new water droplets or ice particles are formed within a cloud. Out of several proposed physical processes for droplet generation, recent experimental studies have shown that a large droplet can nucleate aerosols in the wake behind it when falling under gravity. We present a detailed analysis of various physical factors that lead to an excess of water vapor behind the hydrometeors (e.g., droplets, sleet, or hail) and investigate the effectiveness of this process on activation of aerosols to create new cloud particles.
1 Introduction
The dynamics of atmospheric clouds remains a major source of uncertainty in weather and climate models (Stevens & Bony, 2013) due to the interplay of many physical processes over a wide range of scales (Bodenschatz et al., 2010). Especially, the activation of aerosols and species therein controls the lifetime of a cloud (Kreidenweis et al., 2019) in which fractions of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nucleating particles (INPs) develop into new hydrometeors (Baker, 1997). Physical processes contributing to the production of secondary ice particles (Field et al., 2017) within a mature cloud cannot explain the observed discrepancies between the measured activation and the observed hydrometeor population, which is several orders of magnitude higher than expected (Huang et al., 2017; Pruppacher & Klett, 2010). One possible explanation of this riddle might be the wake-induced supersaturation (Chouippe et al., 2019; Fukuta & Lee, 1986; Gagin, 1972) and activation of aerosols behind large precipitating hydrometeors, that is, heterogeneous wake-induced nucleation (Prabhakaran et al., 2020). The experimental investigation by Prabhakaran et al. (2017) of falling drops (diameter of
mm) in near critical point conditions of pressurized sulfur hexafluoride showed the evidences of homogeneous nucleation in the wake.
Prabhakaran et al. (2020) conducted a follow-up experiment on heterogeneous nucleation using sodium chloride and silver iodide aerosols under atmosphere-like conditions. Warm droplets with a diameter of ∼2 mm were able to induce the activation of aerosols as water droplets and ice crystals in their wake when precipitating through a subsaturated colder environment. Earlier, a numerical analysis of supersaturation in the wake of a warmer hydrometeor moving through various colder environments was performed by Chouippe et al. (2019). Their work confirms the existence of a supersaturated region in the wake of a hydrometeor that settles through a colder saturated environment. The maximum supersaturation observed in the wake was higher when the temperature difference between the hydrometeor and the ambient was larger. In a more recent study, Krayer et al. (2020) extended their earlier work Chouippe et al. (2019) and explicitly estimated the influence of wake supersaturation on the ice enhancement factor using a model based on a power law dependence of the local supersaturation (Baker, 1991; Huffman, 1973) and concluded that the local ice nucleation enhancement alone cannot produce a sufficient number of activated ice nuclei to solve the observed number discrepancy of measured ice particle concentration in clouds.
Although the development of supersaturation was studied numerically, the direct calculation of droplet or ice nucleation on cloud aerosols remained quite difficult due to the large number of influencing parameters which include size distribution (Dusek et al., 2006), number concentration (Baker, 1997), chemical composition (DeMott et al., 2018), porosity, or solubility (Kanji et al., 2017) of the aerosols, along with the presence of various bio or ion species inside clouds (Curtius, 2009). The complexity in the nucleation of ice on aerosols is further complicated in mixed-phase clouds containing both water and ice phase hydrometeors. Ice nucleation through deposition and condensation freezing can occur on an aerosol during supersaturation in the ice phase at subzero temperatures (Meyers et al., 1992). Ice production by immersion freezing on a CCN or by contact freezing on a supercooled water drop can also be observed (Dye & Hobbs, 1968; Kanji et al., 2017). The activation of aerosols as a CCN or an INP happens through different physical and chemical processes, which are active at different thermodynamic, cloud, and aerosol conditions. For example, Petters and Wright (2015) evidenced that a negligible concentration of INP exists at a cloud temperature higher than -5°C, while the concentration of INP at cloud temperatures between -5°C and -15°C can vary up to 5 orders of magnitude. This variability in the number concentration of INP decreases as the temperature of the clouds reduces (Hader et al., 2014; Petters & Wright, 2015). The review by Hoose and Möhler (2012) presents a general overview of the various INP production processes, such as immersion freezing, deposition nucleation, contact nucleation, evidencing their strong dependence on the ambient temperature, supersaturation condition, and the aerosol species.
The above-mentioned studies elucidated some aspects of wake supersaturation and aerosol activation. In this letter, we present a comprehensive numerical study covering the parameter space relevant for atmospheric situations. We quantify the influences of ambient humidity and ambient/hydrometeor temperatures on the supersaturation within the wake for different sizes and phases of spherical hydrometeors. Next, with Lagrangian tracking of aerosols as passive tracers around such sedimenting hydrometeors, we quantify the residence time and supersaturation experienced by individual aerosols as a function of the governing parameters. Finally, we discuss how these results can help to quantify the likelihood and significance of heterogeneous wake-induced nucleation of aerosols in the atmospheric clouds.
2 Model and Methods
We numerically simulate the flow around a spherical hydrometeor with diameter dp and temperature Tp falling in cloudy air (ambient: temperature T∞, relative humidity RH∞, density ρa, and pressure p∞) with constant velocity Up. While in general the shape of the hydrometeor will not be spherical, we expect this to be a good approximation. In the simulation all parameters are assumed to be constant, as the hydrometeor's and environment's properties vary slowly compared to that of the momentary flow (for more details see sections S2 and S3 in the supporting information).

We solve the model equations with the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) (Guo et al., 2002; Krüger et al., 2017; Qian et al., 1992; Silva & Semiao, 2012; Succi, 2001; Tian et al., 2018) within the open-source LBM library Palabos (Latt et al., 2020). The simulation domain, with reference frame in the center of the hydrometeor, extends [− 5, 20]dp × [− 3.5, 3.5]dp × [− 3.5, 3.5]dp with a uniform Cartesian mesh of grid size dp/32. The surface of the hydrometeor is no-slip at zero velocity and with a constant temperature Tp and water vapor density
, which is saturated at Tp according to Maxwell diffusion model. The transport of momentum and scalars in the steady wake of a sphere is discussed in Bhowmick et al. (2020) using the same numerical method.
3 Results

We identify each simulations with a defined nomenclature, for example, “LC 0 15 90.” Here the first letter indicates the hydrometeor phase (L liquid or I ice), the second letter indicates the sign of the temperature difference between the hydrometeor and the ambient (W warmer hydrometeor or C colder hydrometeor), and the three following numbers give the hydrometeor temperature Tp (in degrees Celsius), the modulus of Tp − T∞ referred as ΔT (in degrees Celsius) and the ambient relative humidity RH∞ (in %). Thus, “LC 0 15 90” is a liquid hydrometeor colder than the ambient, with a surface temperature of 0°C in an ambient air with a temperature of 15°C and a relative humidity equal to 90%.
3.1 Supersaturation in the Wake
Figure 1a shows an example of a visualization of the supersaturation field at
in an ambient relative humidity of 90% with respect to ice phase for a warm hydrometeor (IW 0 15 90). High supersaturation is clearly visible in the boundary layer of the droplet and in the near wake, as well as in the large region downstream of the hydrometeor. In this oblique regime, some streamlines pass through the wake's vortices, a feature consistent with the results of Johnson and Patel (1999) for the oblique wake vortex structures. The overall distribution of the supersaturated sample volume in the entire three-dimensional domain above a supersaturation threshold of S0 > 1 × 10−4 is shown in Figure 1b. There the supersaturation spectrum Sp(S), which gives the distribution of the supersaturated volume for various supersaturation magnitudes, is normalized by the hydrometeor volume and the supersaturated volume
is an integral of Sp(S). To avoid numerical round-off errors around the surface of the hydrometeor, where
, the supersaturation threshold is defined as 1 × 10−4, with Smax being the maximum supersaturation obtained in a simulation. The statistics of the bright-colored supersaturated region in Figure 1a shows the evolution ∝S−2 in Figure 1b. This scaling in the distribution of the samples follows a Cauchy-Lorentz function, which is detailed in Bhowmick et al. (2020), and appears as a typical feature in the spatial distribution of the momentum and the transported scalars in the steady wake regime due to the balance between the advection and the diffusion. This trend of S−2 ceases around S ≥ 0.13, which is the highest magnitude of S reached within the boundary layer and in the recirculating zone behind the hydrometeor in Figure 1a. Sp(S) decreases slightly with increasing Reynolds number, which implies a reduction in the volume of the supersaturated region with respect to the hydrometeor volume, due to gradual thinning of the boundary layer and a correlated shrinking of the lateral extent of the wake. Although a volumetric change in VS is observed with different Re, the magnitudes of Smax remain almost constant for a specific thermodynamic state, independent of Re.

The evolution of VS as a function of Re and other thermodynamic parameters is shown in Figure 2a for exemplary cases presenting a temperature difference ΔT of 15°C and
. For full details on the evolution of VS in a whole range of Re, ΔT, RH∞, hydrometeor phase (I or L), and warmer (W) or cooler (C) setups, see section S5 in the supporting information. In general, a frozen hydrometeor (solid lines) produces a significantly larger supersaturated region than a liquid hydrometeor (dashed lines). This is partly due to the lower magnitude of the saturation vapor pressure in the ice phase compared to its magnitude in the liquid water phase at temperatures of <0°C (e.g., 13.7% lower at −15°C). The evolution of VS, as shown in Figure 2a, with respect to the hydrometeor phase and its warmer or colder state also applies to all other ΔT and RH∞, as detailed in the supporting information. Figure 2a also shows that warmer liquid droplets, as for example, “LW 15 15 95” in
C produce almost 2.3–2.5 times larger VS than ice hydrometeors like “IC -15 15 95.” This is generally true also for other ΔT and RH∞. This signifies that the warmer hydrometeors produce larger VS than the colder ones for similar T∞, ΔT, and RH∞. This phenomenon can be further explained by analytically solving the normalized T and ρv equations (see section S6 in the supporting information) for Re ∼ 0, where warmer liquid droplets like “LW 15 15 RH∞” also produce larger VS than the colder frozen hydrometeors as “IC -15 15 RH∞” for various RH∞ conditions. It is further observed that for warmer hydrometeors, a minimum of
C is necessary to produce
, which are merely thin supersaturated boundary layers around the hydrometeor. For hydrometeors that are colder than the ambient, ΔT needs to be at least 6–12°C to produce a similar volume of VS.

The fitting coefficient C0 represents an asymptotic value, which depends on the thermodynamic parameters of the ambient and the hydrometeors, that is, ΔT, RH∞, (I) ice or (L) liquid, and (W) warm or (C) colder temperature than the ambient. The coefficient C1 and the exponent α show a minor sensitivity to the thermodynamic parameters, as C1 is between 10 and 13 and α is −0.63 ± 0.02 for our simulations. The data only deviates significantly when the supersaturated region is not completely within the computational domain (e.g., the case of warmer ice hydrometeors at higher Reynolds number and in almost saturated ambient), and we thus consider this a numerical artifact. We observed that the Re−0.63 scaling of the supersaturated volume closely follows the scaling of the drag coefficient with the Reynolds number in the investigated range of Re (Clift et al., 1978). Thus, the decrease in VS follows the dynamics of the wake, as also Figure 1a suggests. This aspect requires, however, further quantitative investigation.
Figure 2b shows the development of the maximum supersaturation Smax over a wide range of hydrometeor temperature Tp and ambient temperature T∞ at a fixed Reynolds number
and an ambient relative humidity
for both (I) frozen and (L) liquid hydrometeors with both (W) warmer or (C) colder temperature than the ambient. The diagonal in white dashed line corresponds to
and divides the plane into the colder hydrometeor case (top left) and the warmer hydrometeor case (bottom right). The temperature difference ΔT plays a crucial role, since Smax increases almost exponentially with it at a constant RH∞. Similar to VS, warmer hydrometeors generally produce a higher supersaturation maximum than colder hydrometeors at the same ΔT, regardless of their frozen or liquid state. The only exception happens in a nearly saturated ambient at
C, because the warmer hydrometeor is a liquid one while the colder one is frozen. In addition, Smax evolves almost independently of Re for various thermodynamic conditions. For details see section S7 in the supporting information.
3.2 Residence Time of Aerosols in the Wake
Atmospheric aerosols, which can be activated as a CCN or an INP, behave as passive tracers due to their very small inertia, so that their relaxation time is much smaller than the flow timescales and, therefore, their Stokes numbers are negligible. The present work does not consider inertial effects also on the motions of the activated aerosol particles and models them as passive tracers. To understand the possible role of the supersaturated hydrometeor wake on the aerosol activation, we have analyzed the trajectories of passive tracers injected upstream of the hydrometeor. Since only tracers starting their motion near the center line
can enter the supersaturated regions, two injection patterns are used: a coarse pattern where 2,601 tracers are injected uniformly over an area of [1.5dp × 1.5dp] and a fine pattern where 1,681 tracers are injected uniformly over an area of [0.2dp × 0.2dp] in the inlet around the hydrometeor center line. An adaptive Runge-Kutta 4–5 method is used for time integration of the trajectories. Velocity, temperature, and vapor density at the tracer position are obtained by trilinear interpolation.
The possibility of an aerosol being activated as a CCN depends both on the instantaneous supersaturation it experiences and on the time it spends in highly supersaturated regions (residence time), so that it reaches a critical size that prevents its complete evaporation/sublimation according to the Köhler curve (Seinfeld & Pandis, 2006). The activation of an aerosol as an INP depends on many physical and chemical parameters, but, even for initiations of the INPs, a sufficient long residence time in a supersaturated region is required. Moreover, the activated CCNs can also grow to be INPs, through immersion freezing or contact freezing or homogeneous freezing of the liquid water (Hoose & Möhler, 2012). In Figure 3 we therefore plot the residence time τS that a tracer spends within the supersaturated wake in panels a and b, and Smax that it sees in panels c and d as a function of the initial radial distance r of the tracer from the hydrometeor center line for axisymmetric (
) and oblique (
) wakes, respectively. The different structure of the wake creates clearly visible differences in the supersaturation experienced by the tracers. The tracers, which stay for the longer time in the supersaturated region of axisymmetric
wake, are introduced near the center line as shown in Figure 3a, so that they move through the supersaturated boundary layer and along the border of the wake. However, no tracers could enter the closed recirculating region, resulting τS at most in the order of 101dp/Up for

In the oblique wake regime of
, shown in Figure 3b, tracers injected far from the axis show no significant qualitative difference in τS, and they experience lower Smax in Figure 3d for a short time. However, “lucky tracers” injected near the center line can enter the near wake vortical region and therefore remain trapped in the supersaturated recirculating zone for a longer time before moving downstream. This increases τS by a factor between 2.5 to 9 with respect to the bulk of the tracers injected from the same radial distance in the symmetric or oblique wake regimes. We quantify the extent of the injection region of lucky tracers with τS ≥ 102dp/Up, which is confined to a radial distance of r/dp ≤ 0.09. The “capture efficiency” E, which is defined as the ratio between the total frontal area AF of the tracers with τS ≥ 102dp/Up and the frontal area of the hydrometeor
, is about 5 × 10−3 for
, while it is almost zero in the steady axisymmetric regime. The scatter in Figure 3b for
, which produces petal-like patterns at low r/dp, is due to the lack of axial symmetry in the oblique wake regime. The larger extent of the supersaturated region generated by a warmer hydrometeor (solid dots) compared to a colder hydrometeor (empty dots) for the same ΔT and RH∞ is also visible in Figure 3. This is evident from the slower decay of τS and Smax with r/dp for warmer hydrometeors.
The mechanism allowing long residence times in the case of an oblique wake can be inferred from Figure 3e, which shows two sample tracer trajectories with
and 0.066, respectively, each of which enter the vortical oblique wake region at
. The colors of the trajectories represent the instantaneous supersaturation that the tracers experience. Such lucky tracers, introduced very near the hydrometeor center line, experience a sudden maximum of supersaturation S ∼ 20%, for a short time as they move through the boundary layer on the front of the sphere. Then the supersaturation gradually decreases along the trajectory to about 10%. Later, when the tracer is entrained within the recirculating oblique wake zone, it experiences higher supersaturation again, but for a longer time due to the low velocity and complex three-dimensional flow structures of this region. However, such entrainment phenomenon is only observed when the wake loses its symmetry, that is, in the oblique wake regime from
in our simulations.
4 Implications for the Nucleation in Clouds

The critical supersaturation required for the activation of aerosols as a CCN is achieved by solving the Köhler equation for its chemical compositions and size (e.g., Lohmann, 2015; McFiggans et al., 2006; Seinfeld & Pandis, 2006, and others). Since the critical supersaturation needed for the heterogeneous nucleation of common atmospheric aerosols rarely exceed 1–2% in a uniform environment, we may estimate the aerosol growth (see section S8 in the supporting information) during its residence time within the supersaturated wake by considering the average supersaturation, which is much higher than 2% for a temperature difference of 15°C between the hydrometeor and the ambient. Such estimation shows that inside such a supersaturated wake, an aerosol can grow well above its critical radius by deposition of water vapor and therefore be activated as a CCN. During a convective precipitation process of typically 20 min,
m−3 new aerosols can therefore be activated in the wake of the precipitating hydrometeors, which replenish the activated particle concentration in clouds that typically vary in
m−3 (Hudson & Noble, 2013; Rosenfeld et al., 2016). The cloud ambient temperature considered in this study is between -15°C and 15°C, a range where the concentration of INPs is much smaller than the concentration of CCNs inside the clouds (Hoose & Möhler, 2012; Petters & Wright, 2015). Moreover, since we have shown that warmer hydrometeors produce a larger supersaturated volume than the colder hydrometeors, CCN activation will likely dominate over direct INP nucleation. However, considering the deduced entrainment rate of the aerosols in the wake of the hydrometeors, it is expected that also at lower cloud temperatures (≤ 20°C where a significant concentration of INPs are detected by Murray et al., 2012), still a significant fraction of cloud aerosols may activate in the wake initially as CCNs (depending on the temperature, supersaturation, aerosol chemical composition, and other physical parameters), and then part of such activated CCNs may produce INPs through condensation or immersion freezing (Murray et al., 2012) or by contact freezing (Hoose & Möhler, 2012), which cannot be inferred from this study because we cannot distinguish between CCN and INP activation. On the other hand, some CCNs may grow into supercooled cloud droplets that are also detected at very low cloud temperatures (Hogan et al., 2004) at which homogeneous freezing is observed in the laboratory experiments. Therefore, from this study, the relative importance of aerosol activation as INPs cannot be estimated due to the vast parameter space influencing it. However, we have obtained a quantification on the rate of aerosol entrainment in the wake-induced supersaturation and its activation potential as CCNs. It should be noted that this rate of activation of aerosols, either as CCNs or both as CCNs and INPs altogether during the process of convective precipitation, is comparable with the experiments of Mossop (1976) on secondary ice production during the growth of a graupel by rime splintering, and the in-field measurements of ice particle production rate by Harris-Hobbs and Cooper (1987), and the in-cloud measurements of secondary ice particles by Heymsfield and Willis (2014), whereas an explicit rate of CCN production inside the clouds is not found that the results from this study can be compared to. For an explicit quantification of wake-induced nucleation, a detailed microphysical study is required taking into account the full details of the changing atmospheric conditions and the particle evolution while falling through the convective clouds. In addition, the effects of other influencing factors, such as cloud free stream turbulence (Bagchi & Kottam, 2008), strong convective motions like central updraft or entrainment induced mixing (e.g., Bhowmick & Iovieno, 2019; Grabowski & Wang, 2013; Nair et al., 2020, and others), or strong downdraft during precipitation (Wang et al., 2016) may further influence this nucleation and activation rate, which needs to be carefully investigated.
5 Summary and Concluding Remarks
In this letter a detailed analysis of the supersaturation field and aersol activation around a spherical hydrometeor, which settles at its terminal velocity, for different atmospheric conditions is presented. The NS equation for the flow velocity and the one-way coupled AD equations for temperature and density of water vapor are solved with the LBM. The supersaturated volume VS in the wake of steady axisymmetric regime (Re ≤ 220) and oblique regime (225 ≤ Re ≤ 285) shows a Re−0.63 decrease for the same thermodynamic conditions with increase in Re, whereas VS is very sensitive to the temperature difference ΔT between the hydrometeor and the ambient and its relative humidity condition RH∞, so that VS at constant ΔT increases as RH∞ increases, which means that a small amount of vapor diffusion from a warmer hydrometeor or cooling by a colder hydrometeor can easily supersaturate an almost saturated wake volume. However, when RH∞ is fixed, ΔT plays a crucial role in VS, since without an adequate ΔT, a negligible supersaturated volume is generated. In addition, persistently warmer hydrometeors than the ambient produces larger VS than the colder ones. The supersaturation maximum Smax behaves qualitatively similar to VS.
Lagrangian tracking of aerosols as passive tracers shows how the complex flow pattern of the oblique wake allows some lucky aerosols to be entrained within the recirculating wake, resulting in a higher residence time within the highly supersaturated vortical zone. Importantly, we found that such a long residence time within the highly supersaturated wake not only exposes the aerosols to a higher level of supersaturation compared to its nucleation barrier but also provides enough time for the growth by deposition of water vapor to exceed its critical size and therefore to be activated as a CCN. The frontal area of these lucky tracers entering the vortical but highly supersaturated oblique wake has a capture efficiency of ∼5 × 10−3 with respect to the hydrometeor frontal area at
. Our analysis shows that wake-induced nucleation of aerosols during a convective precipitation of 20 min can generate
m−3 new activated particles which can contribute to the life cycle of clouds.
This research was funded by the Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 675675), and an extension to program COMPLETE by Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino. Scientific activities are carried out in Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), and computational resources from HPC@MPIDS are gratefully acknowledged. Scientific comments and suggestions from the reviewers are also gratefully acknowledged. First author wishes to acknowledge Giuliana Donini, Guido Saracco, Mario Trigiante, and Paolo Fino for support. Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
Open Research
Data Availability Statement
Additional data supporting the conclusions can be found in the supporting information. Data used in this paper are available online (at