Volume 91, Issue 43 p. 393-394
Free Access

Ocean Drilling: Forty Years of International Collaboration

Deborah K. Smith

Deborah K. Smith

Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Mass.

Division of Ocean Sciences, NSF, Arlington, Va.

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Neville Exon

Neville Exon

School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, A.C.T., Australia

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Fernando J. A. S. Barriga

Fernando J. A. S. Barriga

Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

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Yoshiyuki Tatsumi

Yoshiyuki Tatsumi

Institute for Research on Earth Evolution, JAMSTEC, Yokosuka, Japan

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First published: 03 June 2011
Citations: 5


International cooperation is an essential component of modern scientific research and societal advancement [see Ismail-Zadeh and Beer, 2009], and scientific ocean drilling represents one of Earth science's longest-running and most successful international collaborations. The strength of this collaboration and its continued success result from the realization that scientific ocean drilling provides a unique and powerful tool to study the critical processes of both short-term change and the long-term evolution of Earth systems. A record of Earth's changing tectonics, climate, ocean circulation, and biota is preserved in marine sedimentary deposits and the underlying basement rocks. And because the ocean floor is the natural site for accumulation and preservation of geological materials, it may preserve a continuous record of these processes.

The challenge lies in accessing these records. It was recognized early on that no single country could support such a large effort on the decadal time scale needed. Thus, those planning drilling efforts quickly realized that international resources and commitment are necessary to mounting a significant investigation of the records preserved beneath the oceans on the global scale required. An international program also allows countries that make more limited financial contributions to utilize the full resources provided by the large program and make significant scientific contributions.