Volume 5, Issue 12
Technical Article
Free Access

Long-term occurrence probabilities of intense geomagnetic storm events

K. Tsubouchi

K. Tsubouchi

Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Now at National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

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Y. Omura

Y. Omura

Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

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First published: 22 December 2007
Citations: 73


[1] A quantitative assessment of the occurrence probability of intense geomagnetic storms (peak Dst < −100 nT) has been investigated by analyzing the Dst index time series database from 1957 to 2001. The main purpose was to derive two parameters, the probable intensity ST and the occurrence frequency λt, that can act as proxies for long-term space weather quantities. The intensity ST represents the expected maximum storm level with an occurrence rate of 1/T (a−1, where a is years) and has been derived from the probability density function (PDF) of extreme (∣Dst∣ > 280 nT) storms. The mathematical tool to determine this type of PDF is the extreme value modeling, which exhibits more accurate statistics for extreme behavior. Our results estimate S60 ≈ 589, indicating that the March 1989 storm (the event with the largest ∣Dst∣ in the database) corresponds to an event expected to occur only once every 60 a. The other parameter λt gives the average occurrence rate of storm events. We have tested the null hypothesis that the storm occurrence pattern can be modeled as a Poisson process represented by λt, where different λt exist for the active and quiet periods of the solar cycle. Ordinary χ2 tests of goodness of fit can not reject this hypothesis, except within the periods that include extremely frequent occurrences. The rate λt is approximately 2.3 (0.7) per 3 months in the active (quiet) period. A future practical application of this work is that the resultant Poisson probability will enable us to calculate the expected damage due to storms, which represent potential risks in space activities.

1. Introduction

[2] Many space weather effects, especially those hazardous to human activities, are associated with the subsequent features of a geomagnetic storm. Hence a probabilistic assessment on likely future storm occurrence is one of the top priorities for space weather forecasting. Extreme events, in spite of their infrequent occurrence, are particularly important, since such events produce fatal damage to space assets, even if they occur only once on a timescale of decades (e.g., the March 1989 storms [see Kappenman and Albertson, 1990]).

[3] The storm occurrence is normally indicated by a large decrease of the Dst index, which represents the hourly average disturbance of the geomagnetic field in the Earth's low-latitude region and is a measure of the ring current intensity. We have concentrated on intense events (typically characterized by a peak Dst < −100 nT [Gonzalez et al., 1994]), which have the potential to be most disastrous to the Earth-space environment. The major interplanetary drivers of intense magnetic storms are coronal mass ejections (CMEs) [Echer et al., 2006; Gonzalez et al., 2007]. Corotating interaction regions (CIRs) also lead to storm development. However, the CIR-driven storms exhibit a weaker intensity than the CME-driven ones and mainly develop during the solar declining phase [Tsurutani et al., 2006; Gonzalez et al., 2007].

[4] Recently, Borovsky and Denton [2006] classified a dominant sort of storm aftermath according to its triggering causes; for instance, CME-driven storms can be more hazardous to Earth-based electrical systems because of effects such as geomagnetically induced currents (GIC), while CIR-driven ones are more effective in spacecraft surface charging. Once these interplanetary structures are specified by monitoring solar activity in real time, we can issue storm alerts with possible damage predictions to space weather-related organizations. Predictions of this type should be accomplished within the time lag between the event occurring on the Sun and its arrival at the Earth-space environment. An hourly to daily range is the typical timescale, and we will refer to this as a “short-term” forecast.

[5] The present study, on the other hand, focuses on a different aspect of space weather, a “long-term” forecast, which is related to monthly to yearly scales. While the short-term prediction can be utilized for a real-time warning, the long-term one is required for future risk management of space activities, such as satellite operations. In this situation we are more interested in when and how frequent the storm occurrences are, or how large they are, rather than how the storm occurs. Our purpose is to estimate the storm risk quantities through their probable intensity and occurrence frequency. The analysis is based on statistical modeling of the time series database. We use the Dst as an indicator of the storm occurrence, not of its individual properties. In section 2 we give the basic statistics of the Dst data (1957–2001) used in this study. From this long-term database, we evaluate the following parameters, which describe the statistical properties of a storm occurrence.

[6] The first parameter, ST, is the probable storm intensity within a given (T-) year. For instance, S10 has a value such that there will be at least one storm per 10 years (a) where the peak ∣Dst∣ > S10. We can use ST as an indicator of the maximum risk in space weather effects of a storm origin. In order to quantify ST, it is necessary to determine the accurate distribution function of Dst, especially in the extreme range. However, the number of ∣Dst∣ > ST data is so poor in general that the statistical error is large.

[7] We have used extreme value theory (EVT) [see, e.g., Coles, 2001; Reiss and Thomas, 2001] as an appropriate tool to reduce this inaccuracy. EVT is a statistical theory that focuses only on the behavior of the upper tail of the distribution function and has previously been used in other fields, such as regional precipitation analysis in hydrology [e.g., Katz et al., 2002]. To our knowledge, the first use of EVT in space science was by Koons [2001], who used it to estimate the statistics of extreme space weather events, such as high-energy radiation belt fluxes. Recently, O'Brien et al. [2007] further developed the scheme and found the existence of a finite upper limit in extremely high MeV electron fluxes in the outer zone. The evaluation of ST in the present study is an extension using EVT. In section 3, statistical modeling of the extreme Dst by means of EVT is briefly introduced. This results in the straightforward derivation of ST as a function of year.

[8] The other important parameter is the storm occurrence frequency, λt (the subscript t indicates time variance). The statistical properties of waiting times ΔT, the time interval between successive events, lead to an evaluation of λt. For solar flares the ΔT of observed successive flare bursts has been shown to display a power law distribution ∼(ΔT)α, especially for large ΔT (>10 h) [e.g., Boffetta et al., 1999; Wheatland and Litvinenko, 2002]. Power law behavior is often regarded as evidence of self-similarity and self-organized criticality (SOC) [e.g., Bak et al., 1988]. In magnetospheric studies, Choe et al. [2002] performed a similar analysis for ΔT between the peaks in AL and showed that the AL time series has the dynamical property of SOC. On the other hand, Wheatland and Litvinenko [2002] explored a simple theory that the power law feature in the waiting-time distribution (WTD) can be accounted for in terms of a Poisson process with a time-varying rate λt, if the λt distribution has a power law form ∼ λtδ (α ∼ −3 − δ). The index α was shown to vary with the solar cycle.

[9] Borovsky and Denton [2006] indicated that the occurrence pattern of CME-driven storms is irregular, while CIR-driven ones have a 27-d repeating feature. Since CME-driven storms dominate the intense events, following the work of Wheatland and Litvinenko [2002], we assume that the interval of storm occurrences is governed by a solar cycle-dependent Poisson process with a minor component of a 27-d periodicity. Storm occurrence strongly relates to solar activity, though it is not a strict one-to-one correspondence. Thus properties of the storm WTD can be used to infer the probabilistic manifestation of solar activity on the geoenvironment. In section 4 we give the WTD of intense storm events from a selected event set. The primary investigation is to validate a Poisson process and find the dependence of the rate λt on the solar cycle. Section 5 summarizes the results with some brief discussion.

2. Basic Statistics of Dst and Storms

[10] The Dst database we used is available from the World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Kyoto University, Japan (http://swdcwww.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index.html) and consists of hourly values from 1957 to 2001 (total of 394,464 points). Figure 1 shows the probability density function (PDF) of Dst on a log-log scale. The plot range is limited to Dst ≤ −10 nT (the unit “nT” will not explicitly be shown hereafter). We classify the PDF characteristic into the normal (dn: Dst > −280) and extreme (dex: Dst ≤ −280) regimes, where the decay pattern in dex is of power law A(∣Dst∣)α with its index α ∼ −4.9. This critical value, Dst ∼ −280, will again be referred to in the next section. The whole PDF has a fat-tail property, which indicates more frequent occurrence of extreme events (large ∣Dst∣) than expected under the assumption of a Gaussian distribution. Although the PDF form seems to change at Dst ∼ −40, we do not investigate any further details on dn in this paper.

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PDF of Dst under −10 nT from 1 January 1957 to 31 December 2001. The dotted vertical line is drawn at Dst = −280, which classifies the distribution characteristic into dn (normal) and dex (extreme).

[11] In the present analysis the identification of intense storm events is determined as follows. We extract the data with Dst < −100 (4632 points, 1.2% of the whole database). Any consecutive subsets with the Dst < −100 data is considered as one storm. We require each event to be as independent as possible. Therefore if the interval between the end time of one storm and the start time of the next is less than 48 h, both storms are counted as one event in our assumption. Through these procedures, 322 events have been obtained.

[12] The event time refers to the time when Dst reaches its minimum during the event. We have constructed two data sets. One is the storm intensity Is defined by Dst at the event time, and the other is the storm waiting time Ts defined by the interval between consecutive event times. Figure 2 shows a scatter plot of (Is, Ts). Whereas most of the events can be identified in Is > −280 nT and Ts < 5000 h, the events of extraordinary larger intensity with a longer interval seem exclusive. In other words, giant events (Is < −280 nT; 26 events in the present storm data set) do not happen suddenly when there is no event for more than half a year (Ts > 5000 h). Almost all the giant events (25 among 26) were seen during the solar active phase, where a mean occurrence rate is high, about one event per one month. Therefore the present feature is reasonable in that the occurrence probability of the event with both Is < −280 nT and Ts > 5000 h is extremely low; ∼1% if a Poisson distribution is assumed for a occurrence frequency (details on the occurrence frequency are drawn in section 4).

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A scatter plot of the relationship between the storm intensity Is and the storm waiting time Ts.

[13] Figure 3 (top) shows the yearly occurrence histogram of intense storm events between 1957 and 2001. In Figure 3 (bottom) the corresponding yearly profile of the sunspot number is plotted along with the maximum storm intensity. Here, the sunspot number (solid line) is the yearly averaged value, and the maximum storm intensity (dashed line) is given by the yearly minimum Dst. This figure highlights the strong correlations between intense storm occurrence (C1), solar activity (C2), and the most intense storm level (C3) in a year. The best correlation is between C1 and C3 (correlation coefficient is 0.87), while the correlation coefficients of C1C2 and C2C3 are 0.77 and 0.74, respectively. The following two sections give more detailed analyses, which will be useful for establishing quantitative schemes for long-term space weather prediction.

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(top) Histogram of the intense geomagnetic storm (peak Dst < −100) and (bottom) yearly averaged sunspot number (solid line) and yearly minimum Dst (dashed line) in 1957–2001.

3. Probable Intensity

[14] To produce a long-term forecast, we propose a scheme of future probable intensity (ST) evaluation. ST is an important index to estimate the maximum risk during the operation period of space-related missions.

3.1. Extreme Value Statistics

[15] Intense storms are regarded as extreme events that rarely happen. This corresponds to the lower tail of the total Dst distribution. To describe the statistical behavior in such an extreme range precisely, we apply extreme value theory (EVT), which can exclude a bias because of the bulk of the distribution. The main aim of EVT is to make a parametric model of the probability distribution function FE(x) focused on the extreme data, which is determined by the use of the peak-over-threshold (POT) method in the present study. Coles [2001] and Reiss and Thomas [2001] are both excellent textbooks for a concise understanding of EVT.

[16] Let the data set X = {xi} be the independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables that are governed by the distribution function F(x). The POT method requires a sufficiently large threshold μ, but one that is smaller than the right end point sup[x: F(x) < 1]. FE(x) = F[μ](x) is a conditional (cumulative) distribution function for the x > μ data, where,
equation image
A theorem in EVT shows that F[μ](x) asymptotically approaches the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD),
equation image
where (μ, γ, σ) represent (location, shape, scale) parameters, respectively. Here we have fitted the Dst data set to this formula and determined the parameters (μ, γ, σ). For convenience, the −Dst value is used hereafter.

[17] Determining the appropriate threshold μ is of critical importance for checking the validity of the POT method. While μ should be large enough to assure the extreme properties, larger μ can lead to too little data for a meaningful analysis. There is no general, systematic way of finding the best μ estimation. Ideally, μ should be the lowest value above which the exceedance distribution obeys the same GPD (constant γ, σ). One of the methods commonly used is to examine a mean excess function M(u) = E[XuX > u], which represents the mean value of the exceedance data subset over a threshold u. The GPD characteristic indicates that M(u) is a linear function of u (see the textbooks cited above for details). The parameter μ can be identified by the minimum u that conforms to this linearity.

[18] Figure 4 shows the mean excess function of −Dst as a function of the threshold u. The graph appears to be linear beyond u ∼ 280, which coincides well with the distribution range of dex in Figure 1. Thus the data subset of −Dst > 280 can be expected to obey an identical distribution to that represented by the form of the GPD. Note here that previous studies show other cutoff values of extreme storms: −Dst > 200 ∼ 250 [e.g., Tsurutani et al., 1992; Gonzalez et al., 2007]. Storms above these cutoff values were caused by the CME-related processes, such as magnetic clouds or shock compression. Conversely, no physical processes are associated with the present threshold (−Dst ∼ 280). Our criterion is simply based on the requirement of EVT.

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Mean excess function for −Dst (with approximate 95% confidence intervals).
[19] The other parameters (γ and σ), for a threshold of μ = 280, are estimated by conventional maximum likelihood methods. The appropriate estimation of (γ, σ) is taken to maximize the likelihood function,
equation image

[20] Numerical techniques are required to solve this. Stephenson and Gilleland [2006] reviewed several tools for extreme value analysis that are commonly used. Among the software tools they reviewed, we use the R package “ismev,” which was originally developed in the S-PLUS language by Coles [2001] (“R” is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics; see http://www.r-project.org/).

[21] In Table 1 we summarize the basic information on the present extreme value analysis (the bottom two rows will be referred to in sections 5.1 and 5.2). The number of exceedance data (−Dst > 280; 121 data points) confirms the rare occurrence (∼0.03%) of such events. The distribution function can be found by substituting the estimated parameters (γ = 0.177 ± 0.117, σ = 38.2 ± 5.6) into the GPD form (2), as displayed in Figure 5. Also plotted are the corresponding Dst values, indicated by crosses. The cumulative probability from the Dst is simply evaluated as follows. We sort the exceedance −Dst data into ascending order, x{i} = {x1x2 ≤ ⋯ ≤ xk; X > 280}, where x1 = 281 and xk = x121 = 589. Under the assumption that an occurrence of each xi is equally weighted, the cumulative probability for xi, Pr[XxiX > 280], can be estimated as i/(k + 1). The crosses in Figure 5 indicate the point (xi, i/(k + 1)), where xi is the −Dst value larger than 280 and k = 121. The derived GPD is a good fit to the real Dst distribution.

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Probability distribution for the exceedance of −Dst larger than 280 nT fitted by the generalized Pareto distribution function (2). Crosses indicate the real Dst data.
Table 1. Information on the Parameters Analyzed in the Present Extreme Value Statistics
Method Data Dst (min/max) μ γ σ
POT (1957–2001) 121 −589/−281 280 (fixed) 0.177 ± 0.117 38.2 ± 5.6
POT (1957–2003) 139 −589/−281 280 (fixed) 0.081 ± 0.101 45.8 ± 6.0
Block-maxima 45 −589/−91 192.2 ± 13.7 0.031 ± 0.126 80.2 ± 10.2

3.2. Estimation of ST

[22] One important characteristic of the GPD (2) is that the shape parameter γ determines the behavior in the extreme limit [e.g., O'Brien et al., 2007]. If γ < 0, (2) gives a finite upper limit, μ + σ/∣γ∣. On the other hand, if γ ≥ 0 the distribution is unbounded. The present result finds γ = 0.177 ± 0.117, which suggests an unbounded tail, or extremely large upper limit, in the Dst distribution. Thus we cannot reject the possibility that an extreme storm, exceeding any recorded in the existing Dst database, may take place in the future. For example, Tsurutani et al. [2003] investigated the 1–2 September 1859 magnetic storm (considered to be the most intense event in recorded history) and estimated the Dst of this event to be ∼−1760 nT.

[23] EVT is a useful tool for evaluating the occurrence probability of such never-observed events by extrapolating from the GPD. The proxy parameter is given by ST as a function of a year T, where the event of −DstST is defined by its mean occurrence rate per T years greater than one.

[24] ST is obtained in a straightforward way from the GPD formula (2) [Coles, 2001] by evaluating the following probability,
equation image
The definition of ST gives Pr[X > ST] = 1/NT, where NT represents the number of T-year data points (NT = T × 365.25 × 24 in the hourly database of Dst). The GPD (2) indicates the conditional probability of −Dst < x in the subset of −Dstμ = 280 data, Pr[X < xX > μ]. Therefore Pr[X > STX > μ] is equivalent to 1 − Pr[X < STX > μ] = 1 − Wμ;γ,σ(ST). The exceedance probability Pr[X > μ] = ζn can be approximated by k/n, where k and n represent the number of exceedances (−Dstμ = 280) and the total number of data points, respectively. By these formulae, equation (4) is transformed into,
equation image
[25] Thus ST is given as follows,
equation image
In the present data set, k = 121 and n = 394,464 so that ζn ∼ 0.0003. The ST is now available by substituting the parameters (μ, γ, σ) = (280, 0.177, 38.2) into (6). Figure 6 shows ST (solid line) with 95% confidence intervals (broken line). Table 2 summarizes the values of ST for T = 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, and 200 a for reference. Here, standard errors for ST are given by
equation image
where V is the variance-covariance matrix for (ζn,σ, γ) and ∇T = (∂/∂ζn, ∂/∂σ, ∂/∂γ) (see details in section 4.3.3 of Coles [2001]).
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Probable storm intensity ST as a function of year (solid line) with 95% confidence intervals (broken lines). Both axes are on a logarithmic scale. Dots indicate the value evaluated from the storm events in the present data set within 45-a (year) observations.
Table 2. Probable Storm Intensity ST
T, a ST
10 450.8 ± 26.7
20 501.3 ± 42.7
30 533.8 ± 55.2
50 578.2 ± 74.8
100 645.3 ± 109.2
200 721.2 ± 154.4

[26] We also evaluate the occurrence probability of storm events identified in the previous section (restricted to 45-a observations): when there are n# (among 322) events with an intensity Is larger than S, S should be compared with ST where T = 45/n#. In Figure 6 the points (45/n#, S) are represented by dots. Whereas ST is overestimated in T < 10 (ST > S), the long-term (longer than the solar cycle) estimation is relatively well evaluated within the confidence intervals. The most intense storm during the Dst available period is the March 1989 event, which has a −589 nT peak decrease in Dst. The ST formulation indicates that such an event takes place at least once every ∼60 a. However, the corresponding error estimate is large (30 to 350 a; S60S30 + SD(S30) ∼ S350 − SD(S350)). Obviously, the longer T yields the largest errors in ST. For the extreme long-term forecast (several decades to hundreds of years), the error strength SD(ST) should also be a critical parameter in the context of indicating a future uncertainty level, which complements the ambiguity of using ST alone.

4. Occurrence Frequency

[27] In the previous section we evaluated how frequently extreme storms can be expected to happen within a given period, with scales of decades. This timescale is far beyond the solar cycle so that it is useful for estimating the probability of the most disastrous event for any space activity. This section focuses on a shorter scale, several months to a few years. Over such timescales, it is more interesting to investigate the probability of the occurrence frequency λt of storms rather than the intensity. The estimation of λt can further clarify the process of storm occurrence.

4.1. Relationships With the Solar Cycle

[28] It is easy to associate storm occurrence with solar activity. Recently, Tsurutani et al. [2006] briefly summarized the solar cycle dependence of storms and confirmed more frequent occurrences during the solar maximum. In section 2 we have isolated 322 storm events where the peak Dst is less than −100 nT. We cumulatively count these events by their occurrence order, which is shown by dots in Figure 7. For instance, the first count is plotted at 21 January 1957 and the final one (322) at 24 November 2001. The corresponding monthly averaged sunspot number (SN) is also shown (indicated by the solid line).

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Dots indicate the cumulative count of the storm occurrence from 21 January 1957 (1) through to 24 November 2001 (322) storms. The solid line indicates the monthly averaged sunspot number. The horizontal broken line represents the sunspot number = 40. Shaded bins represent the solar quiet period defined in our study. The statistical properties of the storm occurrences in each bin are summarized in Table 3.

[29] The count profile in Figure 7 obviously shows a zigzag increment, indicating the variable rate of storm occurrence. The rate is high (low) during a steep (flat) slope in the increment curve. Major kink points on the curve distinguish the solar maximum/minimum. An eyeball inspection shows these points roughly coincide with SN = 40, where a horizontal broken line is drawn. Therefore we define the solar active and quiet period to be divided at SN ∼ 40. The quiet period in our determination is shaded in Figure 7. The divided periods are indicated in the first column of Table 3. Note here that SN is not strictly more or less than 40 during each period, since 3 months are taken into account later as unit interval tu for estimating the average occurrence.

Table 3. Statistics of Intense Storm Occurrencesa
Period Storms Nk (k = 0, ⋯, 8) λt p-Value
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
'57/01–'61/09 71 ** 1 3 2 9 3 ** 1 ** 3.7 <0.05
'61/10–'66/03 9 13 2 2 1 ** ** ** ** ** 0.5 0.05
'66/04–'74/12 41 10 16 4 3 2 ** ** ** ** 1.2 0.35
'75/01–'77/06 6 6 2 2 ** ** ** ** ** ** 0.6 0.30
'77/07–'84/06 58 4 7 8 4 2 3 ** ** ** 2.1 0.80
'84/07–'87/12 10 6 6 2 ** ** ** ** ** ** 0.7 0.54
'88/01–'93/06 69 1 3 3 6 6 2 ** ** 1 3.1 <0.05
'93/07–'97/12 20 6 6 4 2 ** ** ** ** ** 1.1 0.95
'98/01–'01/12 38 1 3 6 4 ** 1 1 ** ** 2.4 0.50
Active 277 16 30 24 19 19 9 1 1 1 2.3 0.18
Quiet 45 31 16 10 3 ** ** ** ** ** 0.7 0.33
  • a Occurrence distribution Nk is counted every 3 months. Asterisks represent no occurrences and λt indicates the expectation value of a Poisson distribution Pλt(k), equivalent to the average occurrence frequency within a unit observing period, here 3 months.
[30] The number of storms is 277 for the active period (total 360 months; 120 tu) and 45 for the quiet period (total 180 months; 60 tu). Thus the storm occurrence is on average approximately three times more frequent in the active period than in the quiet period. The ratio of the highest-to-lowest rate per year is typically more than 10 to 1, as already noted by Tsurutani et al. [2006]. In this study the occurrence rate is more accurately evaluated by analyzing the distribution of the storm waiting time Ts (see section 2). The average Ts for all periods is about 1200 h ∼ less than 2 months. In Figure 8 the total WTD of the Ts > 80 h events is shown. If each storm event is independent and the event occurrence rate λ per unit period is constant, the storm occurrence can be regarded as a standard Poisson process. The WTD then obeys an exponential,
equation image
However, since the occurrence rate varies with the solar cycle (Figure 7), the WTD in Figure 8 significantly deviates from an exponential. The tail of the WTD for Ts > 1000 h is instead fitted to a power law Tsα with an index given by α ∼ −2.2 ± 0.1.
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Total distribution of the waiting time Ts of intense storm events (peak Dst < −100 nT).

[31] In Figure 9 the WTD during the solar active and quiet periods are separately drawn with solid and dotted lines, respectively. The average is about 960 h for the active period and 2800 h for the quiet period. Note that narrow peaks are found at Ts ∼ 300, 650, and 1200 h in the WTD for the quiet period. In particular, the peak at Ts ∼ 650 h ∼ 27 d suggests the predominance of recurrent storms of this period. This confirms that the storm source during the declining phase of the solar cycle is dominated by CIR-driven ones [e.g., Borovsky and Denton, 2006]. On the other hand, we do not have presently plausible ideas to account for the latter two peaks. The 2-month periodicity (the peak at Ts ∼ 1200 h) may imply recurrent storms driven by CIRs from a same source region without developing into storms at the Earth during some of their passages. From the peak at Ts ∼ 300 h, which suggests a periodicity of about half a month, it is inferred that there are sequential arrivals of different CIRs within one solar rotation period. Further in-depth analysis is necessary to interpret the significance of these peaks.

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Ts distribution for the solar active period (solid line) and quiet period (dotted line). The arrow indicates a 27-d interval.

[32] Short-interval storms (Ts < hundreds of hours) predominantly take place during the active period: the occurrence rate is approximately one order of magnitude larger than that in the quiet period. This spread shrinks for events with longer intervals and dissipates, or is even reversed, for Ts > 3000 h ∼ 4 months. In both periods the tail of the WTD for Ts > 1000 h can again be fitted to a power law; α ∼ −2.2 ± 0.2 for the active period and −1.4 ± 0.2 for the quiet period.

[33] Wheatland and Litvinenko [2002], in their investigation of solar flare statistics, presented a theory to account for the power law behavior in the WTD in terms of a nonstationary Poisson process with a time-varying rate λt. The assumption is that the total WTD is represented by the sum of piecewise Poisson processes each of which involves a slow variation of λt with respect to the waiting time. If the λt distribution exhibits a power law λtδ, the WTD accordingly has a power law tail Tsα where α ∼ −3 − δ. Wheatland and Litvinenko [2002] applied this theory to solar flare occurrences and showed that the occurrence rate distribution of X-ray flares greater than C1-class during 1975–2001 has a power law form with δ ∼ −0.9 ± 0.1. This results in a power law index for the flare WTD α ∼ −3 − δ = −2.1 ± 0.1, which is consistent with the observed index for Ts > 10 h, α ∼ −2.2 ± 0.1. Wheatland and Litvinenko [2002] also gave the power law indices for the solar maximum and minimum phase. Those indices, together with our results, are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4. Power Law Index α Fitted to the Tail of the WTD for Magnetic Storms (Our Results) and Solar Flares (From Wheatland and Litvinenko [2002])
Total α Active α Quiet α
Storm (>1000 h) −2.2 ± 0.1 −2.2 ± 0.2 −1.4 ± 0.2
Flare (>10 h) −2.2 ± 0.1 −3.2 ± 0.2 −1.4 ± 0.1

[34] Though every storm occurrence is not caused by flares (rather CME or CIR are better candidates), Table 4 shows the coincidence of power law indices in the WTD between storms and flares for the total (α ∼ −2.2) and quiet (α ∼ −1.4) periods. In contrast, there is a distinct difference for the active period. Recently, Wanliss and Weygand [2007] examined the “burst” lifetime distributions of solar wind parameters and SYMH index, both of which yield power law exponents. Their results also indicated that the power laws between solar wind parameters and SYMH are consistent during solar minimum but inconsistent during solar maximum. It will be interesting to elucidate underlying implications from such probabilistic consistency/inconsistency, but it is beyond the scope of the present study.

[35] Here we focus on the similar power law behavior between the WTD of storms and flares. We hypothesize that the storm occurrence is also governed by a nonstationary Poisson process. If the theory of Wheatland and Litvinenko [2002] is valid for the storm case, the rate (λt) distribution may exhibit a power law, δ ∼ −3 − α = −0.8 (total), −0.8 (active), and −1.6 (quiet). Analysis of the detailed λt distribution in the storm waiting time is under investigation at present and so we do not further refer to it in this paper. Instead, we have undertaken a conventional test of the significance to verify whether the storm occurrence during both the solar active and quiet periods is likely to be described by a Poisson process.

4.2. Association With Poisson Processes

[36] There are two ways to give a statistical expression for events in a Poisson process; one is a waiting time distribution (equation (8)) and the other is a Poisson distribution,
equation image
where λt is the average occurrence frequency per unit interval tu (λt is constant throughout tu). The Poisson distribution gives the probability that an event with the average frequency λt occurs k times within tu. The frequency λt corresponds to the slope of the incremental curve in the storm occurrence count in Figure 7. Obviously, λt strongly depends on the solar activity. We have assumed that λt is different for each active/quiet period shown in the first column of Table 3 and is constant during each period. Note that the latter assumption is not strictly true. Figure 7 clearly shows short timescale variations of the incremental rate within the period of our criterion, especially during the active periods of cycles 21 and 22. A precise comparison of λt with SN will be investigated in a future investigation. We have used this assumption here in order to highlight the difference in the average λt between the active and quiet periods.

[37] The second column of Table 3 shows the total number of storms during each period. These values are further distributed to show the number of storms in each 3-month interval (tu = 3 months). For instance, in the first period (January 1957 to September 1961, 57 months), 71 storm events are distributed into 57/3 = 19 tu (i1, ⋯, i19), where i1 for January through March 1957 and i19 for July through September 1961. The occurrence distribution Nk represents the number of tu within which events were k-times identified. In the present instance, one event was identified in the interval (i18), two in (i4, i10, i13), three in (i5, i19), four in (i2, i3, i6, i7, i9, i11, i14, i15, i17), five in (i1, i8, i12), and seven in (i16). Therefore Nk is summarized as {Nk; k = 0, ⋯, 7} = {0, 1, 3, 2, 9, 3, 0, 1}. Note that ΣNk = 19 and ΣkNk = 71.

[38] The next nine columns of Table 3 show Nk for k = 0, ⋯, 8 (kmax = 8 is the maximum occurrence in any 3 months, the interval January through March 1989). As can be seen in Table 3, there are never more than four storms in a 3-month interval during quiet periods, whereas the distribution during active periods has a fat tail, extending to kmax. This table is also used to verify whether a Poisson process can account for the storm occurrence. As an ordinary hypothesis test, we have applied the χ2-test of goodness of fit. Our null hypothesis H0 is that the occurrence distribution P(k) = Nk/N follows a Poisson distribution equation image(k), where N = Σk=08Nk is the number of tu within each period (3N months). The frequency λt can be estimated from the data using λt = Σk=08kNk/N. The expected theoretical occurrence is then
equation image
The test statistic χ02 indicates the relative difference between Nk and Ek,
equation image
where there are no counts at km. If H0 is true, χ02 is drawn from a χ2 distribution with (m − 1 − 1) degrees of freedom. The condition for the rejection of H0 is that the significance level α is greater than or equal to the “p-value” for χ02, which is the probability such that χ2(m − 1 − 1) ≥ χ02.

[39] The last two columns in Table 3 show the estimated λt and the resultant p-value. In every period except the first (January 1957 to September 1961) and the seventh (January 1988 to June 1993), H0 can not be rejected at the 5% significance level (α = 0.05) normally used in the significance test, since the p-value is larger than α. The two periods where the hypothesis can be rejected (p-value ≤ α) have a common feature: both are in the active period, and there are extremely frequent storm occurrences (k = 7, 8; far from the average occurrence) within the period. In such cases, an occurrence rate must vary temporarily such that the assumption of the constant λt within tu becomes invalid. For instance, some successive events may commonly originate from a single solar active region, where a Poisson process with different λt predominates. Another prominent process for the storm occurrences is the 27-d recurring pattern, mostly evident during the quiet period (Figure 9). However, the recurrent storm events are classified at k ∼ 1–3 that is closer to the average. Therefore the form of equation image(k) is not greatly deformed, showing the proper approximation of the occurrence of a quiet period storm by a Poisson process.

[40] It is also the case that deviation from a Poisson distribution as a result of such extra occurrences becomes smaller as the number of statistical samples is increased. Figure 10 shows the results of P(k) for the total active (closed circles) and quiet (open circles) periods, with the solid and dotted lines showing the fitted equation image(k), respectively. The resultant p-values are larger than the 5% significance level (Table 3). Thus H0 cannot be rejected. On average, storm occurrence can be well modeled as a Poisson process dependent on the solar cycle.

Details are in the caption following the image
Occurrence distribution P(k) for the active period (closed circles) and the quiet period (open circles). Solid and dotted lines correspond to the fitted Poisson distribution equation image(k).

5. Summary and Discussion

[41] The present study has formulated a practical scheme for evaluating a quantitative long-term space weather forecast. Intense geomagnetic storms are one of the most important space weather phenomena, and we have statistically analyzed their occurrence in the 45-a database containing the Dst index between 1957 and 2001. We have developed two parameters that describe the probability of storm occurrences over long timescales, i.e., monthly to yearly range; the probable intensity ST and the occurrence frequency λt. The results are summarized as follows.

[42] 1. The distribution of −Dst is significantly skewed and exhibits a power law tail (an index ∼−4.9) larger than 280 nT. On the basis of extreme value theory, the cumulative probability distribution focused on such an extreme data set can be approximated by the generalized Pareto distribution function Wμ;γ,σ(x), where μ = 280, γ = 0.177 ± 0.117, and σ = 38.2 ± 5.6.

[43] 2. The GPD determined from the data fitting gives the probable intensity ST as function of year T. A storm event such that its peak −Dst > ST is estimated to happen at least once within a T-year period. For example, the solution for ST ∼ 589 is T ∼ 60 a, indicating that the occurrence probability of the most intense event during 1957–2001 (March 1989) can be evaluated as approximately 1/60 (a−1).

[44] 3. There are 322 intense storm events that satisfy our definition, namely, a peak Dst of less than −100 nT and the occurrence interval between one storm and the next, the storm waiting time Ts, is more than 48 h. As the storm peak intensity is larger (less than −280 nT), its waiting time from the previous event becomes shorter (less than 5000 h). Most of such extreme events (25/26) were seen during a solar active period. This feature is also validated by strong correlation of solar activity with both the annual occurrence frequency and largest intensity of storms.

[45] 4. The storm waiting time distribution (WTD) exhibits a power law tail in the range Ts > 1000 h with an index ∼−2.2 ± 0.1, which is consistent with the WTD of X-ray solar flares greater than C-class given by Wheatland and Litvinenko [2002]. The storm WTD has also been evaluated for solar active and quiet periods, divided at the monthly averaged sunspot number ∼40. For both cases, the WTDs show a power law behavior for Ts > 1000 h, with their indices given by −2.2 ± 0.2 (−1.4 ± 0.2) for the active (quiet) periods.

[46] 5. The conventional χ2-test of goodness of fit has been applied to test whether the storm occurrence obeys a solar-cycle-dependent Poisson process. The results suggest that this hypothesis is satisfied and the occurrence frequency λt is given by λactive ∼ 2.3 and λquiet ∼ 0.7 per 3 months.

[47] Below we outline some additional points stemming from our analysis and perspectives relevant to further research.

5.1. Ambiguity in ST Estimation

[48] Let us calculate the year T from equation (6) that returns the period satisfying ST ∼ 1760, suggesting the most intense storm in recorded history (Dst-unavailable) [Tsurutani et al., 2003]. The solution shows an extreme value (T > 40,000 a), which seems too inaccurate and is probably incorrect. When the practical use of ST (such as to design a protection for instruments against damages due to storms) is taken into account, users must be attracted to extrapolate ST to extremely high levels that have never been observed. This temptation, however, should be judged by physical knowledge and statistical accuracy.

[49] The underlying physics that accounts for the tail distributions of the storm intensity are currently unknown. Furthermore, Tsurutani et al. [2003] indicate that the statistics for extreme storms with Dst < −400 nT are unreliable and any statistical evaluation of extreme behavior is inaccurate. As the next best approach to describe the extreme statistics, we have introduced EVT in this study. The present results of ST can at least be used as a first rough estimate of the largest storm level within a given period T, where we should simultaneously note the large uncertainty of the extreme long-term range.

[50] Since there are few data in the tail part of the distribution, the EVT parameters are sensitive to the presence of even one event in the future. The variation in the shape parameter (γ) is particularly important in that γ characterizes whether the tail distribution is unbounded or not. We perform an additional test by using the Dst database extended to the end of 2003 (total 47 a) to show how the recent Halloween event (late October to early November 2003) affects the GPD parameters (μ, σ, γ).

[51] The same threshold of μ = 280 then gives the 139 exceedance data points. The estimated scale and shape parameters are (σ, γ) = (45.8 ± 6.0, 0.081 ± 0.101) (the second row in Table 1). Compared with the results obtained in section 3.1 (the first row in Table 1), the replaced shape parameter is closer to zero and is even negative within the confidence interval, indicating the existence of the limit ST (if γ ∼ 0.081 − 0.101 = −0.02, the limit will be μ + σ/∣γ∣ ∼ 2500). This is because there are no events with ST > 589 (the level of the March 1989 event) in the 2002–2003 Dst, and the tail distribution is effectively made thin. The return period for ST = 589 is then T ∼ 75 a, which is longer than our previous estimate of 60 a but is not drastically altered. On the other hand, it is surely expected that the occurrence of extremely intense events, such as ST ∼ 1760 of the September 1859 storm, results in the increase in γ, that is, a fat-tail distribution. Then T for a fixed ST will be shortened. In any case, the ambiguity in γ will shrink as the event sample increases in the future. The tail behavior within a timescale of a few decades will correspondingly be described more accurately, while the reliability of the extreme (∼several hundreds of ST) event forecast may remain doubtful.

5.2. Extreme Value Model

[52] The intensity ST is a derived quantity from the probability distribution function obtained from the extreme event data. To construct such a data set from a complete database, two different approaches are usually taken in EVT. One is the POT method, which we have used in the present study. The other is known as the “block-maxima” method. For the block-maxima method, the extreme data are taken to be the maxima over blocks of equal lengths, such as the annual maximum. The proper distribution function for this type of extreme data is the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution,
equation image
where μ, γ, and σ are location, shape, and scale parameters, the same as the GPD (2). Choosing an appropriate block size (annual? monthly?) is of critical importance for the block-maxima method, just as the choice of the appropriate threshold μ is necessary to assure the validity of the POT method. If the annual maxima are used, then there are 45 blocks (1957–2001) available for the analysis, whereas the POT method extracts a total of 121 values (Dst < −280 nT). We need to bear in mind the possibility that the annual maxima data may discard too much data, leading it to underestimate the extreme statistics. We have also estimated the GEV parameters (μ, γ, σ) for the annual maximum ∣Dst∣, where μ = 192.2 ± 13.7, γ = 0.031 ± 0.126, and σ = 80.2 ± 10.2, respectively (the third row in Table 1). The shape parameter γ can be negative within the confidence interval, indicating a finite upper limit for ∣Dst∣ (recall that the POT method results in an unbounded tail for ∣Dst∣). The monthly maximum (540 blocks), on the other hand, include too much data that is inappropriate for analysis of extreme events.

[53] According to the POT results, the average exceedance rate per year is approximately 2.69 (121/45 a). However, there are frequently multiple data with −Dst > 280 in a single event. If events with multiple −Dst > 280 data are counted only once, the number of extreme storm events reduces to 26 (0.58 per a). This demonstrates why it is important to always check for overestimation when using the POT method. In addition, these events have been identified in solar active periods only. As can be seen in Figure 6, ST is overestimated in the return period T less than 10 a. Therefore it is expected that ST<10 strongly depends on the phase of solar activities. To further improve the scheme of ST evaluation, it is important to investigate the dependence of the extreme distribution parameters (μ(t), γ(t), σ(t)) on the solar cycle.

5.3. λt Estimation

[54] We have determined the mean occurrence rate-per-unit interval (tu = 3 months) separately for the solar active and quiet periods (Table 3). Here a constant Poisson rate λt within each period is the primary assumption. This assumption may be too crude, since the solar activity exhibits fluctuations on much shorter timescales. In the equivalent analysis for solar flare occurrences, Wheatland and Litvinenko [2002] evaluated more precise time-varying rates as a function of time by means of the Bayesian block method [Scargle, 1998]. They found that a power law feature in the λt distribution, together with a power law tail in the event WTD, account for the occurrence property as a time-dependent Poisson process. Applying this method to the storm case is the next step. Our present assumption is still valid and we can associate the storm occurrence with different Poisson processes according to the solar phase. In order to confirm a Poisson process from an event frequency distribution (Table 3), a suitable choice of tu is important. Units that are too short bias the frequency to low rates (0 ∼ 1 per tu), while units that are too long reduce the total number of intervals. For both cases, this makes the results statistically unreliable. The 3-month period we use here appears to be an appropriate choice, as the goodness-of-fit test suggests the acceptance of our null hypothesis H0 (Table 3).

[55] Ideally, if λt can be fitted to a function of the sunspot number or any indices indicating solar activity, the probability prediction of future storms can be undertaken in almost real time. The rate λt not only gives the mean occurrence frequency but also determines a corresponding Poisson distribution form equation image(k). As the daily solar activity indices estimate λt, we can rapidly evaluate the probability by equation image(k) such that intense storms will take place k times within the next tu. Table 5 shows the sample probabilities using λt from the present results for the solar active and quiet periods given in Table 3. We would like to emphasize the point that the specific values of these probabilities are still a tentative quantification of the occurrence property itself, but they are rather useful in engineering applications. The present hypothesis that the storm occurrence can be modeled as a solar-cycle-dependent Poisson process is just one possible model. We cannot reject any other processes that may be more physically adequate to account for the storm process. Though identification of the precise physical process is the ultimate goal, quantitative evaluation such as Table 5 can still be of practical importance. For instance, suppose that one event causes a loss L for some space operation. In addition to the expected total loss within a unit period, LT = λtL, we can also estimate the conditional expected loss (Lm) such as the loss when an event occurs more than m times by,
equation image
Lm (and LT) represent the potential risk to be taken into account in space activities.
Table 5. Estimated Probability, %, of a Storm Occurrence More Than k Times Within 3 Months
k 1 2 3 4 5
Active (λt = 2.3) 90 67 40 20 8
Quiet (λt = 0.7) 50 16 3 0.5 0.07

5.4. Future Work

[56] The present study proposes two parameters, ST and λt, as possible indices for a long-term space weather forecast. Statistical approaches have been taken to estimate these parameters, and any physical processes connecting the Sun and the geospace environment have been ignored. We note that identification based on Dst alone is occasionally misleading for defining intense storm events [Kamide, 2006]. As a manifestation of storms, there are many hazardous patterns (e.g., GIC, SEP, etc.), whose driven source is either CME or CIR [e.g., Borovsky and Denton, 2006]. Custom-made analysis fitted to such individual hazards will improve the present approach as a more rigorous scheme of a risk assessment for extending space activities, where a thorough comprehension of physical causality will assist the correct identification of the event.

[57] The validity of the present analysis can be checked by using the latest available data, which have not been included in the construction of the statistical models. In statistical-based modeling, accumulating data continuously allows reevaluation and renewal of proxy parameters such as ST and λt. After 2002, several serious events (e.g., the Halloween event) have taken place. We will investigate how accurately our results give the occurrence probability of these events in terms of ST and λt and will modify the parameters to account for the additional data (already mentioned in this discussion). Before the next solar cycle becomes active, we hope to be able to establish a long-term predictor for the occurrence of geohazardous magnetic storms.


[58] The authors acknowledge World Data Center for Geomagnetism (Kyoto) for the use of Dst index database. This work was partially supported by 17GS0208 for Creative Scientific Research “The Basic Study of Space Weather Prediction” of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan.