Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer observations of the tropospheric HDO/H2O ratio: Estimation approach and characterization
[1] We present global, vertical profile estimates of the HDO/H2O ratio from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) on the Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura satellite. We emphasize in this paper the estimation approach and error characterization, which are critical to determining the very small absolute concentration of HDO relative to H2O and its uncertainty. These estimates were made from TES nadir-viewing (downlooking) thermal infrared spectral radiances observed on 20 September 2004. Profiles of HDO and H2O are simultaneously estimated from the observed radiances and a profile of the ratio is then calculated. This simultaneous, or “joint,” estimate is regularized with an a priori covariance matrix that includes expected correlations between HDO and H2O. This approach minimizes errors in the profile of the HDO/H2O ratio that are due to overlapping HDO and H2O spectroscopic lines. Under clear-sky conditions in the tropics, TES estimates of the HDO/H2O ratio are sensitive to the distribution of the actual ratio between the surface and about 300 hPa with peak sensitivity at 700 hPa. The sensitivity decreases with latitude through its dependence on temperature and water amount. We estimate a precision of approximately 1% to 2% for the ratio of the HDO/H2O tropospheric densities; however, there is possibly a bias of approximately 5% in the ratio due to the HDO spectroscopic line strengths. These global observations clearly show increased isotopic depletion of water vapor at higher latitudes as well as increased depletion in the upper troposphere versus the lower troposphere.
1. Introduction
[2] The isotopic distribution of water vapor has increasingly been used for understanding cloud processes, global hydrologic processes, and linkages between the atmospheric and terrestrial water resources. While measurements of the isotopic composition of rainfall have been available since the 1950s, a remarkably small number of measurements of the isotopic composition of atmospheric water vapor have been made because of the challenges associated with collecting air samples for laboratory mass spectrometric analysis [e.g., Lawrence et al., 2004]. Recently, in situ methods have been applied and yielded new understanding of convective processes. Webster and Heymsfield [2003] examined isotopic composition in proximity to a convective cloud which gave new insight into the role of detrainment and cloud particles in the energy exchanges in the region of cloud systems. Lawrence et al. [1998, 2004] measured the isotopic depletion of boundary layer water vapor in several regions of the tropics. They found that regions with disorganized or no convection had the least isotopically depleted vapor, whereas the boundary layer vapor inside or downwind of weather systems were most depleted; this excess depletion is suggestive of an “amount effect” [Dansgaard, 1964] in which water recycled in the cloud system becomes successively depleted as the heavier isotopes are removed through precipitation. In this manner, the isotopic measurements have led to new understanding of tropospheric water vapor and clouds.
[3] To date, only two space-based instruments have been able to observe isotopic composition in the troposphere. The Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy Experiment (ATMOS), a NASA JPL instrument, flew on the space shuttle, and measured isotopic composition in the upper troposphere and stratosphere [Rinsland et al., 1991; Irion et al., 1996; Moyer et al., 1996; Kuang et al., 2003]. Spectra from the Interferometer for Monitoring of Greenhouse gases (IMG) on board the AD EOS-1 platform, spanning the 9 months of its operation, were used to obtain zonal climatology of midtroposphere HDO [Zakharov et al., 2004]. Although limited in their spatial and temporal coverage, the data from these instruments provide strong indicators of large-scale transport, condensation, and convective processes.
[4] Here we present new measurements of the global distribution of the tropospheric HDO/H2O ratio using spectral radiances taken by the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) [Beer et al., 2001]. It is important that the estimate of the HDO/H2O ratio is robust against the spectral interference of H2O on HDO due to pressure broadening and the TES spectral resolution. Furthermore, the estimated errors must be well quantified and much smaller than the expected variability of the lower tropospheric HDO/H2O ratio of approximately 15%. This paper first discusses the approach and error characterization for estimating profiles of the HDO/H2O ratio from TES radiances. We then discuss global and regional features of TES HDO/H2O estimates for 20 September 2004; these estimates show spatial variability consistent with the underlying meteorology and illuminate the role of water vapor transport and hydrologic processes in the atmosphere. Given these results and a temporal sampling of one global survey every 2 days and an expected lifetime of 5 years, TES can provide an unprecedented global scale perspective of the tropospheric isotopic depletion of water vapor.
2. Overview of TES Observations
[5] The Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer is an infrared Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) that measures the spectral infrared (IR) radiances between 650 cm−1 and 3050cm−1 in a limb-viewing and a nadir (downward looking) mode. The observed IR radiance is imaged onto an array of 16 detectors that have a combined horizontal footprint of 5.3 km by 8.4 km in the nadir viewing mode. In the nadir view, TES estimates of atmospheric distributions provide vertical information of the more abundant tropospheric species such as H2O, HDO, O3, CO, and CH4 [e.g., Worden et al., 2004b, and references therein]. However, sufficient spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio are required to distinguish between trace gas amounts at different altitudes because vertical information about trace gas concentrations is obtained only from spectral variations along the line of sight. Consequently, the TES spectral resolution was chosen to match the average pressure-broadened widths of weak infrared molecular transitions in the lower troposphere for nadir measurements (0.06 cm−1 apodized) [Beer et al., 2001].
[6] The first full (16 orbit) global survey from the TES occurred on 20 September 2004 and is the focus of the present study This global survey consists of nearly 1100 nadir measurements. The ascending orbit crosses the equator at a 1400 local solar time and the descending orbit crosses the equator at 0200 local solar time. For the nadir viewing mode, the sampling along the mostly north-south orbit track is one observation every 5 degrees latitude. The orbits are spaced roughly every 22 degrees in longitude, although the nighttime and daytime orbits can overlap giving locally higher sampling density.
[7] Defining an optimal set of spectral windows for the TES estimates of the HDO/H2O ratio is critical because the radiance contribution from the HDO spectral lines typically overlap the contribution from H2O, CH4, and N2O. Figure 1 shows the radiance spectrum of a tropical scene (−8.8 degrees latitude, 140 degrees longitude) from the 20 September 2004 TES global survey for the spectral region between 1100 cm−1 and 1350 cm−1. This spectral region contains many water lines that are used for TES estimates of H2O [Worden et al., 2004b]. There are also many HDO lines that can be used for estimating atmospheric distributions of HDO and H2O [Toth, 1999; Rothman et al., 2003]. Spectral windows are selected that maximize the information content of the estimated HDO and H2O profiles [Worden et al., 2004b]. However, we also add one of the spectral windows used for the TES H2O estimates in order to ensure consistency between the initial TES H2O estimate and the joint HDO/H2O estimate. These spectral windows are shown in Figure 1.
3. Estimation Theory for Simultaneous Estimate of HDO and H2O
[8] The estimation method and error characterization for the distribution of the HDO/H2O ratio uses the general methodology and error characterization from Rodgers [2000] and the error characterization used for simultaneous estimates of atmospheric trace gasses and temperature described by Rodgers and Connor [2003] and Worden et al. [2004b]. The approach described in this section is to jointly estimate profiles of HDO and H2O. An a priori covariance is developed which includes the expected variability of both HDO and H2O and the correlations between the two molecules; the inverse of this a priori covariance is used to constrain the joint estimate [Rodgers, 2000]. A critical component of the error characterization of the HDO/H2O ratio is to understand how the errors from the HDO and H2O components of the simultaneous estimate are related.
3.1. Error Characterization for Simultaneous Estimate
3.2. Error Characterization of HDO to H2O Ratio
[17] Now that the averaging kernel, gain, and a priori constraint matrices are defined for a joint estimate of HDO and H2O we can now derive the error covariance matrices for the ratio; these covariance matrices are critical for defining the science that can be addressed with these estimates of the HDO/H2O ratio.
[20] Inspection of equations (25) and (26) underscore the utility of retrieving HDO jointly with H2O. The second line of equation (26) is subtracted from the first line and the gain matrix for water is subtracted from the gain matrix for HDO resulting in some error cancellation in the smoothing, measurement, and model parameter error components. If HDO estimate had occurred after the H2O estimate and the ratio subsequently constructed, the error for the ratio would contain additive errors from both H2O and HDO and as expected the total resulting error would be larger than from the joint estimate. If the spectral absorption lines from HDO and H2O did not significantly overlap, this additive error would be small; however, since almost all the HDO lines spectrally overlap for this viewing mode with the H2O lines, it is critical to use this joint estimation approach for inferring the HDO/H2O ratio.
4. TES Estimates of the HDO/H2O Ratio
4.1. Error Characteristics
[21] The TES Level 2 algorithm performs estimates of the atmospheric and surface temperature, water, cloud properties, ozone, and if the observation is over land, surface emissivity. These quantities are then fixed for the subsequent estimate of HDO and H2O. The initial guess for HDO for all profiles is set to this TES estimated H2O atmospheric profile multiplied by a single a priori profile of the HDO/H2O ratio calculated from a run of the NCAR CAM augmented with isotopic physics. However, we treat the initial guess and the a priori separately in order to simplify the error characterization. Consequently, the a priori profile for HDO is the product of the a priori profile of H2O and the a priori profile of the HDO/H2O ratio. Another choice used in the estimation of the HDO/H2O ratio is to use only a single a priori profile of the HDO/H2O ratio for all observations. This choice of using a single a priori profile for the HDO/H2O ratio is not optimal for the higher latitudes where it is expected that there is much less HDO relative to H2O. Consequently, the estimate of the HDO/H2O ratio will be biased at higher latitude to the equatorial a priori when the estimate has little sensitivity to the true state. On the other hand, use of a single a priori allows for a simpler analysis of the latitudinal and longitudinal distribution of the HDO/H2O ratio as changes in the a priori do not have to be explicitly accounted for in an analysis.
[23] The RMS of the diagonal of the different error covariances are shown in Figure 3 as a function of pressure between surface and 100 hPa. The total error is the sum of the following:
[24] 1. The smoothing error (the dominant error for this pressure grid).
[25] 2. The measurement error, which is taken to be the calculated NESR but multiplied by 0.67 to account for apodization. Note that we do not include a correction to the total error analysis due to smoothing of spectral elements resulting from apodization because of the difficulty in inverting a large measurement error covariance matrix and because we find that this correction is negligible.
[26] 3. Error from the prior estimate of temperature, clouds, surface temperature, and also surface emissivity if the retrieval is taken over land.
[27] For this retrieval the error from noise and systematic error amounts to approximately 1% near 700 hPa. We do not include spectroscopic line strength errors in equation (26) but examine those separately later in this paper.
[28] The smoothing error in Figure 3 is the component of error due to unresolved fine structure on the reported pressure grid. Evaluation of the smoothing error depends on the choice of a priori statistics for the true state of the atmosphere. The calculated smoothing is based on a tropical climatology from the isotopic version of the NCAR-CAM. We compare the calculated smoothing error of each retrieval with the a priori covariance in order to determine if the estimate is sensitive to the true distribution of the HDO/H2O ratio. Normally, an averaging kernel matrix would be used to examine the sensitivity of an estimate to perturbations in the true state; however, an explicit averaging kernel matrix of the estimated HDO/H2O ratio to the true state of the HDO/H2O ratio cannot be defined because different combinations of HDO and H2O perturbations can give similar values for perturbations in the estimated ratio. Therefore we examine the ratio of the diagonal of the smoothing error to the diagonal of the a priori covariance in order to determine the altitude region where the estimate of the HDO/H2O ratio is sensitive (Figure 4). Figure 4 shows that the estimated HDO/H2O ratio is primarily sensitive to the true distribution of the HDO/H2O ratio between 850 hPa and 300 hPa with peak sensitivity at around 700 hPa. We find this sensitivity (or reduction in error) will vary with temperature, clouds, and water amount.
4.2. Global Characterization of TES HDO/H2O Estimates
[30] Figure 5 shows these selected estimates linearly interpolated to a 2.5 degree longitude by 2.5 degree latitude grid. The symbols on this figure mark the location of the TES retrievals. A result that is apparent from this single global survey is the “latitude effect” in which the isotopic depletion of water vapor is larger at the higher latitudes than at the equator due to the continual rain-out of the heavier nuclides during poleward transit into an environment with lower temperature [e.g., Dansgaard, 1964]. The latitude effect is also apparent in Figure 6 in which the tropospheric average from Figure 5 is plotted as a function of latitude. Regional variations are also apparent in Figure 5 and are discussed in a subsequent paper.
[31] The estimated error for the tropospheric average shown in Figures 5 and 6 is shown in Figure 7. The error includes the smoothing error, measurement error (from the estimated NESR), and uncertainties in the prior estimate of surface and atmospheric temperature and surface emissivity if the estimate is over land. The errors range from approximately 1% in the tropics (or about 8 parts per thousand) to approximately 2% in the high northern latitudes (or about 20 parts per thousand).
5. Comparisons to Prior Measurements and Models
[32] Few measurements of the isotopic distribution of water vapor exist in the lower troposphere because of the challenges of collecting and analyzing in situ vapor measurements [e.g., Lawrence et al., 1998, 2004]. Lawrence et al. [2004] analyzed boundary layer vapor measurements of the HDO/H2O ratio and found typical values of approximately −80 δD at various tropical stations when there were no storms and lower δD values during passage of a hurricane through the region. Figure 6 shows that TES observations of the lower tropospheric average of this ratio ranges between −40 δD and −170 δD (using equation (28) to convert between the ratio of HDO and H2O concentrations to parts per thousand relative to SMOW or δD). If we assume that −80 δD is an upper bound for the isotopic composition of tropical water vapor, then there could be a bias in our observations of up to 4%.
[33] Another comparison can be made between the tropical lower tropospheric average of the HDO/H2O ratio shown in Figure 6 and the a priori profile used to constrain the estimate. As discussed in section 3, the a priori profile is calculated by averaging over all tropical profiles (between 30 degrees south and 30 degrees north) from one day of model fields from the NCAR CAM augmented with isotopic physics. This average tropospheric value of the a priori profile between the surface and 550 hPa is also shown in Figure 6 and is approximately −135 δD. This average is approximately 4% below the mean of the TES observed distribution at tropical latitudes of approximately −90 δD, which is consistent with the bias suggested by the comparison with the Lawrence et al. [2004] data.
[34] Webster and Heymsfield [2003] also measured lower tropospheric water and HDO in both liquid and vapor phases. Their measured distributions of the HDO/H2O ratio for the lower troposphere are consistent with the distribution of HDO/H2O observed by TES. However, the spectral region used by Webster and Heymsfeld [2004] is similar to that used by TES for making HDO measurements. So any spectroscopic bias in the TES measurements is expected in the Webster and Heymsfeld observations. Subsequent to the Webster and Heymsfeld observations, C. Webster (private communication, 2004) used mass spectrometry to determine the vapor content of HDO above a liquid sample with a known value of the HDO/H2O ratio. Webster found a possible bias between 5% and 10% by comparing the HDO expected in the vapor with the HDO expected using the Toth [1999] spectroscopic line parameters. This range of 5% to 10% is consistent with the possible bias of approximately 4% suggested by comparisons to the Lawrence et al. [2004] data and the NCAR model. Examination of equation (28) shows that a 5% bias in the estimated HDO concentrations result in an approximately 50 δD bias error for values of δD near 0 but a much smaller bias error for δD values much less than 0.
[35] A high priority for better characterizing TES estimates of the HDO/H2O ratio is to check the accuracy of the HDO spectroscopic line strengths (R. Toth, private communication, 2004). However, we note that while a bias may exist in the data, this bias does not substantially affect the analysis of the relative distribution of HDO/H2O.
6. Conclusion
[36] We describe our methodology and corresponding error characterization for estimates of the tropospoheric HDO/H2O ratio using nadir-viewed radiances from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer. These estimates are most sensitive in the lower troposphere near 700 hPa with decreasing sensitivity to the ratio with increasing altitude. The sensitivity to the HDO/H2O ratio also depends on temperature, water amount, and cloud conditions. Consequently, estimated values of the HDO/H2O ratio have the least uncertainty in the tropics and higher uncertainties at the higher latitudes.
[37] A possible bias of approximately 5% is suspected in the TES estimates of HDO, likely associated with the HDO spectroscopic line strengths. Should such a bias be confirmed with additional observations, a simple correction can be applied in future TES retrievals of the HDO/H2O ratio. We note that analysis of the relative distribution of the HDO/H2O ratio is less affected by this possible bias than analysis of the absolute values for any given profile.
[38] Analysis of TES retrievals of the HDO/H2O ratio needs to consider the bias associated with the a priori constraint and correlations between the HDO and H2O components of the estimate as seen in the averaging kernel matrix [e.g., Rodgers, 2000]. Techniques that account for this bias, cross-correlations, and error characteristics were discussed in this paper and are also shown for other TES estimates of atmospheric distributions in the works of Bowmanet al. [2002], Worden et al. [2004a], Jones et al. [2003], and Worden et al. [2004b].
[39] Despite the challenges with estimating the tropospheric HDO/H2O ratio, TES observations are able to capture expected spatial distributions such as the latitude effect (more depletion of heavier water vapor isotopes at higher latitudes) and more depletion of heavier water vapor isotopes at higher altitudes [Dansgaard, 1964]. Regional variations are also apparent in this first TES global survey of the HDO/H2O ratio and are the focus of continuing examination.
[40] The authors would like to thank Christopher Webster and William Read at JPL for discussion regarding the TES HDO data and to Thomas von Clarmann for an excellent review of the manuscript. The research described in this paper was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.